Chapter 10: Chance Encounter

Start from the beginning

"Decisions, and more decisions..." I commented.

We walked around the mall, looking for things we could go do with the others when they got here. There were five floors in the mall, so we were bound to find something interesting if we wandered around enough.
We were making small talk while we were walking, pointing out things we could check out with the others. I was having fun just talking to him. It was nice just listening to him ramble on about things he was interested in. It made me feel really connected to him just hearing about his music tastes and hobbies.
While we were talking, we got a text from the group chat for our friend group.

<[I'm here now]

<[cool,  I'm on the second floor of the mall right now with Hagakure]

<[I'm also here with Uraraka]
<[We're waiting outside the toll gates]


<[we're heading down now]

"Alright then, let's get going." He said.

We made our way down to where Midoriya and Uraraka were waiting, pushing past the crowds of people on their way in and out of their lunch breaks. I saw the two of them standing and talking with each other as the crowds thinned out.

"Hey, you two!" I called out to them. 

Midoriya looked around for a few seconds before catching sight of me. "Oh hey, Hagakure! Hey L/n!" He called back to us as he walked over.

"What's up? Glad y'all could make it." Said Y/n. "Now all we're waiting on is Iida."

"I didn't see him when we got off the train here." Uraraka said.

"I guess it is the lunch rush right now, so the trains could be packed on Iida's end." Midoriya speculated.

The volume of the crowds started to pick back up again, probably because we were still standing near the toll gates. It was getting a bit hard to hear over the large bustling groups of people.

"Hey, what do you say we just head over to the food court for now?" Said Y/n. "That way we can sit down and prolly avoid blocking some other people."

"I guess that'll be fine." Said Uraraka.

"Okay then, food court it is!" I said cheerily. "I'll make sure Iida knows."

I took out my phone and sent a text to Iida.

[Hey, just want to let you know,]>
[We'll be waiting over at the food court]>

We made our way over to the court as a group and found a quick place to sit down as we discussed the food joints we found while we were looking around.

"So we found a bunch of sweet shops up on the second floor we could check out." Y/n said.

"Ooh, like what?" Uraraka questioned.

"Well, there were scones, cakes, ice cream, froyo." I listed off the top of my head. "Pretty sure you could find whatever you wanted if you looked around long enough." 

"Naturally, there were also cafés around," Y/n followed up. "So if we end up deciding we're not that hungry, we have that option."

We continued to mull over our options. Eventually we just settled on ramen, because there's a wide variety in the menu, plus there are also side dishes we could order like dumplings or fried rice.
I checked my phone to see if there had been any reply from Iida. The message was still only marked as "delivered".

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