Y/N: Maybe that's what Hassan promised him.

Farah: That doesn't make any sense. What do you mean by that? Hassan promised him that he and his allies retreat from our land after Hadir joins him?

Y/N: He promised him he'll liberate the country from terrorists, which would be the ULF.

Farah: What?

Y/N: You heard what Barkov said, right? For them, the ULF are the terrorists, maybe he was able to convince your brother that you're the bad guys.

Farah: And after fighting for the ULF for years, he just accepted it and chose to betray his own people?

Y/N: Might be.

Farah: It sounds ridiculous but honestly...I wouldn't even be surprised by that anymore. I think nothing can surprise me anymore.

Y/N: I know what you mean, this whole mission became as complicated as it can get.

Farah: So, what will we do now? We can't just sit in here and wait.

Y/N: We can. Actually, that's the only thing we can do now. Let's wait for Hadir to come and talk to him.

Farah: I don't want to see him, I can't, not right now at least.

Y/N: Maybe he can explain what exactly is going in right now.

Farah: The only thing he can tell us is lies.

Y/N: He has no reason to lie anymore, we know whose side he's on and we're trapped in here, he can tell us the truth without fearing for his life.

Farah: So he tells us the truth and then what?

Y/N: Then we'll wait for Price and the boys to come around and get us outta here.

Farah: We don't know how long it's going to take until he gets here.

Y/N: It can't take too long to take the North, right? We took the East and the South pretty fast.

Farah: Don't forget that most of their troops are in the North.

Y/N: It doesn't matter, they'll roll through them.

We weren't really able to get some sleep tonight, so we talked through the night instead and once it was morning we heard trucks driving into the fortress.

Y/N: That'll be interesting.

We heard steps coming closer to our room and a knock on the door.

Hadir: Farah? Y/N? Are you up already?

Farah: Let us out of here, Hadir.

Hadir: I can't do that, not now at least.

Farah: Why?

Hadir: Things are...complicated, Farah. Way more complicated than you can imagine.

Farah: We know you're working for Hassan.

He became quiet after that, but spoke up soon again.

Hadir: Yes...yes I do. So what? Do you hate me for this now?

Farah: Let's just say, you're lucky to be on the other side of this door.

Hadir: Oh really? Is that how you talk to me now? Your own brother?

Farah: You betrayed our people.

Hadir: I saved them and soon you'll see why.

Farah: How did you save them? You joined Hassan.

Hadir: Because that was the only right thing to do. He's on his way here and he'll flatten this whole place if we resist.

Farah: We resisted him for years, what made you think we can't keep fighting him?

Enduring Freedom | Farah Karim x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now