"Are you going to leave or not?" He asked me and I scoffed at him. "No." I said sternly. "Fine then at least help me make dinner I haven't eaten yet." He said and I nodded following him into the kitchen area. There was no way I was just going to leave him alone after he saved me from danger. I'm not leaving him alone to deal with what ever is happening by himself. He stared into the fridge then groaned putting his forehead on the fridge shelf. "Move out of the way." I said lightly pushing him. He made no complaints and went and sat at the island and he crossed his arms on the table and rested his head down on them hiding from me.

I began to make him mac and cheese knowing that the carbs would help his mood. As I quietly cooked him food I couldn't ignore his sniffles and his soft cries here and there. When I was done with his food I slid a large bowl full of mac and cheese to him and he looked up at it then looked at me with teary red eyes. "What is this?" His voice cracked and I gave him a soft smile. "Comfort food silly now eat." I made myself a bowl and I sat on the counter eating my food. 

We ate in quiet until he finished his bowl of mac and cheese. "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked him and he shook his head. "No." He said in a soft tone then he rested his chin on his hands staring off into the living room. "I need to get out of my head and staying here isn't helping." He mumbled to me and I collected out bowls and I rinsed them in the sink leaving them there for be cleaned later. "We can go out if you'd like?" I questioned and he shook his head no. 

"I don't need any press seeing one of the most wealthy men in this city out and bout crying." He explained to me. I thought for a moment but nothing came to my mind then he perked up. "Are you afraid of heights?" He asked and I cocked my head to the side curious but I answered anyways. "No? Why?" I asked and he then grew a smile on his face. "Let me get dressed." He said quickly getting up and running up the stairs with sudden energy. I turned to the kitchen sink and I cleaned the dishes while I waited for him.

When I heard him coming down the stairs he was dressed in wool dress pants a black button down and brown dress shoes. "Is that really what you consider casual?" I asked him and he smirked at me. "I got to keep up with my reputation." I smiled at him happy to see a change in his gloomy mood. "Well it suits you." I mumbled grabbing my keys myself as we got ready to leave. "Are you saying I looked good?" He asked me in a cocky tone and I blushed slightly trying to keep a straight face to hide my emotions.

"If that's what you want to call it." He fake gasped at me before nodding his head towards the elevator. We rode it down to the garage and we climbed into his Volvo. "Where are you taking me?" I asked him and he smiled at me showing me his perfect teeth. "To heaven Dani to heaven." He said noting giving me anymore information. The butterflies in my stomach fluttered a bit when he spoke my nickname proving to me how close our relationship is truly growing.

When we pulled out of the garage Frank Sinatra came on the speakers and he turned it up slightly. "...I got no defense for it the heat is too intense for it..." Kaiden mumbled along with the song. I watched him smiling at him catching him in his moment of being himself. He drove for a long time just about out of the city. I yawned feeling sleepy from how long the drive it and how long of a day I've had. For once it seems Kaiden has more energy than me. 

I closed my eyes for what seemed like just a minutes but when I was shake by Kaiden I was woken to the sun being completely set. I looked around confused as to where he had brought me. "We are here." He stated taking off his seat belt and turning off the car. "Where is here?" I asked taking my seat belt off as well and looked out the window. "You'll see." We got out of the car and we walked into the building sitting in front of us. 

A man sat at the front desk and he smiled at Kaiden. "Mr. Hark! So good to see you!" the man greeted and Kaiden shook his hand. Kaiden filled out some paperwork before looking over his shoulder and smiling. "Can I get another head set?" He asked and the man handed him a headset with a microphone on it. I was so confused as to what was happening. I followed Kaiden to a door that lead outside and when we stepped out into the cold it hit me. We were standing at a little airport and in front of was a 2 seater plane. 

I gasped at him and he smiled at me clearly satisfied with my reaction. He motioned for me to follow him closer to the plane and he opened up the passenger door. He put the headset on my head and he moved the microphone to be positioned to my mouth. He adjusted it and he pulled on my hair so my hair wasn't pulled back. Then he took a step back and held his hand out for me to help me into the airplane. I took his hand and it was surprising warm to the touch. He helped me into the plane and then he buckled me into my seat making sure the seat belt was tight enough. His hands moving along my waist and I made sure to note his glances he was giving me while doing so.

Then he shut the plane door and I saw him flex his hand. I took in a shaky breath feeling somewhat turned on. then He climbed into the other side and repeated the process. "You ready?" He asked me and I nodded my head excited and nervous for I have never been in a airplane like this. He started the plane and he began to taxi the plane to the run way calling out code words to confirm we had to go to fly. 

Then he came to one end of the landing strip and he began to give it gas and pull up on the steering wheel until we began to float. It was all dark in the night and I squealed with excitement. He smiled at me loving my reaction to his experience. Once I got used to the feeling of being in the sky I looked over to him and he gave me a side eye watching me as well. "Where are we going?" I asked him "Seattle." He said and I watched closely because it only took us a few more minutes until I saw the city all lit up in front of me.

I looked at the city lights amazed for they looked like artificial stars dancing in patterns. I looked down at the city everyone looking like ants in their toy cars. "I told you I'd bring you to heaven." He said and I looked over at him smiling. I couldn't begin to tell him how amazing this experience was how much it meant to me and how hot. Jesus how hot it was that can just decide to tea this plane out for a spin. To him this must feel so normal but it far from normal for me. 

We flew a few laps around the city before we left going int he same direction we came from. I sat back in the seat enjoying every moment of it. "You want to take the wheel?" He asked me and I looked at him a little shocked. "I don't know how to fly this thing." He laughed at me before assuring me. "It's not hard plus I can take control at any moment. I'll take care of the pedals just steer." He assured. Then I grabbed the steering wheel and he placed one of his hands on mine and assisted me in the steering for a few moments until he let go.

"Ahh!" I laughed at this and he smiled at me. "See you got it!" He was excited too and I looked at him. "This is unreal! How is this you're normal?" I asked him and he shrugged his shoulders. "Welcome to my world I guess." I shook my head at how causal this was all to him. Then he took back over the steering when it came time for use to land and he landed the plane with just a small bump. Once he taxied the plane back to the hanger he turned ht plane off. He quickly jumped out of the plane and came around to my side helping me get out of the seat.

He held my hand helping me out of the plane and my legs were wobbly. I stumbled into him and I braced myself with my hands landing on his chest. He hugged me close making sure I didn't fall."How was that?" He asked me in a whisper his breath minty and warm against my face. "Absolutely amazing." I breath gasping for air. He smirked at me then balanced me and motioned to walk back towards the building where we first started. He rested his hand on my lower back as we walked then he leaned in a mumbled. "What did I tell you about that skirt of yours?" He asked me and I blushed hoping he wouldn't notice."

"Well if it was only a distraction to you and you weren't going to be at work I was going to wear it." I said and his eyes turned a shade darker. "Well it still is very much a distraction." He said and I looked at him through my lashes. "You're trouble." He mumbled mainly to himself as he opened up the door for me. The man at the desk stood smiling at ht both of us. "How was it?" He mainly asked me and I smiled politely crossing my hand in front of my body. "It was amazing thank you so much!" I said and he nodded once then shook hands with Kaiden. "Thank you Ollie I'll see you next time." Kaiden said in a dark low tone.

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