"We can get through this, Marinette. Together." She said it so confidently, as if she knew exactly how to handle it, as if she's done this before. No, surely not. I told myself. "I do have one question though," she started, "What are your plans?"

I give her a blank look for a moment, still processing the fact I just told my best friend I had sex for the first time and got pregnant from it, "My plans?"

"Like, what are you going to do with it?" Alya made a gesture toward my stomach, and I instinctively tried to cover it, though there was nothing to hide yet.

"Oh, uhm— a-abortion really isn't something I would consider..? It's just n-not for me." My voice trembles as I ponder the idea for a moment. I couldn't imagine doing that, not in a million years.

She nods, as if carefully analyzing the information before saying something else, "Is that because you don't believe in it? Or..?" I knew she was trying to be respectful of the situation, but now might not have been the time to ask someone that. Good thing I knew she meant no harm, and was only trying to grasp the situation better.

"No, no. Nothing like that. I just don't think it's the right move for me, personally."

A lull, and out of nervousness I speak up again, "Adoption doesn't seem right to me either. The system is screwed, and if I'm gonna have a kid at all, I want to keep them." The truth is, I had never thought this far into having children. I knew I wanted three, but that was only hypothetical, and especially didn't want one at age 17. I was confident of my answers though, it was the truth. I got myself into this mess, now I needed to own up to it and learn from my mistakes. Adrien was right, some day I won't see this as a bad thing...but in that moment, I couldn't help but feel a nervousness in my gut. I had never had to make such a big decision in my life, and now I have no choice but to decide, and soon.

"Hello?" Alya sing-songs, waving a hand in front of my face. I blink and shake my head, pulling myself out of my thoughts.


"Huh?" She mimicked, with a playful snicker. "I asked who knows. Have you told anyone? Like your parents, maybe?" Her caramel eyes watch me closely, gently.

My lip twitches, "Oh, uh..." Please don't get jealous, please don't get jealous, please— "Yeah, actually. But also, no." I bite my lip, tearing at some loose skin, "I told Adrien yesterday."

"YOU DID WHAT?" She might as well have yelled into my ears, causing me to cover them and look at her slightly apologetically. "Is that why—"


"And he called-?"


She slouched in on herself, relaxing her tensed muscles and sat dumbfounded. "And here I was, thinking your big surprise was that the two of you were dating. What a turn of events." The dots were seeming to connect in her mind now, and I felt like she was pulling me apart piece by piece, learning all my darkest secrets. "So you're saying you told Adrien first, the dad doesn't know, and you have till yet to say anything to your parents?"

"Right— but saying it like that makes it sound a little..." I didn't even have words to describe how it made me feel. All I knew is that I had a living being growing inside of me and I was extremely uncomfortable.

"How was it?" She gave me a wide, devilish smirk, and tried wiggling her eyebrows, failing miserably. I let out a chuckle at her attempt.

"Y'know, I think that's enough talk about this for today let's go find something to d—" I was promptly cut off by her fingers on my lips while she shook her head in disappointment.

Marinette's Scene (Incomplete)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin