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Marriage. Judgement. Nikah.

The words swirled through her head, as she rubbed her temples. Why does everyone have to have something to say? Why can't marrying the person you love just be easy?

She got up to take a breath of air, escaping the claustrophobic closet she'd been sitting in. Standing by the window, she gazed up at the sun shining from behind the clouds. Taking a deep breath, she let go of all her stresses and problems.

Closing her eyes, she called out to her lord, praying for nothing but the best.

Oh Allah(swt), please, make this easy for the both of us. Oh the Most Merciful, protect us from what they say, and allow our hearts to be united. Keep us away from zina, and indeed you know what is best.


So close, yet so far... 

He hid in his room, not knowing what to do. Sitting on his bed lifelessly, he watched the tears as they left spots as they fell on his sleeve. Not bothering to wipe them, he gazed down at the floor.

What am I doing? I'm supposed to be a man! I'm supposed to be the strong one, but here I am, collapsed in tears! Oh Allah(swt), help me get through this, I beg you by your mercy, oh the Most Merciful! Do what is best for me and her.

As a gentle rapping came from the door, he rose up, clearing his tears, though they remained, weighing down his heavy heart.

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