"I'm guessing someone else is kinda feeling crap." Aiden turned his head towards Liam and he had his head hung down low.

"Anger issues looks...not angry, for once." Brett commented as he turned around and I turned to face Liam listening into what Scott had said and he immediately ran away looking furious.

"Don't talk about your boyfriend like that Preppy. Address him by his name"
"Not my boyfriend."
Seriously who was he trying to convince.

"Liam wait." I called out chasing after him only to realise that he couldn't hear me. I ran after him following him into the hallway as I saw him continiously punching the vending machine until the glass smashed.

"I'd stop that if I was you." I heard Theo behind him and I looked to see him by Liam. "Liam!" Theo pulled him away as his knuckles didn't stop bleeding.

"They don't think she's gonna make it." Liam had his head down as he was masking his sadness with anger.

"What?" Theo was surprised to hear and I looked at the shock on his face. "She might die." Liams voice croaked.

"No she can't." Theo shook his head trying to let out a laugh. "It's her choice. Wether she wants to live or not. That's what my dad said to the sheriff."

"No it's Max. There's no way." Theo didn't want to believe it and I'm surprised he even cared this much. "If she dies..."

"I get it." Theo nodded and Liam grew more angry. "No you don't!" He snapped.
"Max she...she loves me. Even when I'm angry, when everyone is afraid of me, she isn't. She, she controls me and saves me and you can't understand that!"

"Believe it or not, she saved my ass from being homeless. When no one wanted to help she did."

"My house by the way? You let your one night stand stay at my house?" Aiden criticised and I gave him the are you serious look.

"Shut up, it's not like he's staying there forever."

"I can't do this without her." Liam said and I stared at him my chest immediately feeling heavy.

"You still thinking dying is a good thing?" I turned to see Brett standing there next to Aiden and I nodded. "If it's my time to go, then I'm going."

"It's not Max. It's not your time." Aiden shook his head and I don't care what he said. There was no way I'm surviving through this.
"It is!"
It has to be. Because if I wanted to live right now. I would be awake.


"Max, look." Aiden pointed and I looked to see Scott talking to Malia.
"I found the one girl I've always wanted. And now she's close to slipping away."

"I can't comfort you. I'm sorry." Malia bluntly said and I couldn't help but laugh to how straight up she was.

"I um- I have to update Isaac, he's on the plane right now. And text stiles." Scott placed his fingers on his temples rubbing them as he stared down at his shaking hand holding his phone. Oh god. Oh fuck.

"Fuck, Stiles. Oh my god Stiles. And Isaac. Oh my god Harry. I'm never going to see them again." Holy crap. I'm not gonna see my best friends anymore.

"You are, they're just not going to see you." Aiden told me and Brett stood there nodding along. "And Lydia."

Oh crap. Oh no, Lydia. If there's one person in this entire world I'm keeping, it's my soulmate.
"She's in the hospital if you want to see her?" Brett asked and I looked at them confused.

Savour From Hell ➳ Scott McCall {4}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt