Broken Promise

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(Bringing the gifs back for more emotion, good luck)

"Are you fucking kidding me!"I screamed over the phone

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"Are you fucking kidding me!"
I screamed over the phone. And I mean screamed.

"If i didnt tell you, you wouldve killed me. And Scott's an alpha. You cant really kill him." Liam explained over the phone and my heart had instantly dropped faster than ever.

Brett's missing, blood on a fucking lacrosse stick, traps?! And my own boyfriend couldnt tell me?! You know how bad that freaking sounds?
"Liam Dunbarhand the phone to Scott, right now."

No, this wasn't a thing I was letting past me. This is not anyone, this is Brett.
"What if-"

"Dont you fucking dare say anything and hand the phone." I forced Liam knowing he didn't want to get himself in trouble and I heard Liam gulp. "She used my full name."

I heard liam whisper over the phone and I heard Lori next to him. "Oh shes pissed."

"McCall?" I called out and I heard him breathing over the phone.
"Maxine." He responded.

"Are you crazy!" I hollered and im so glad no one was home or stood near me because I'd use them as my human freaking punching bag.
But then again the neighbours would've heard me scream at this point.

"Where are you?" I asked not wanting any of the stupid bullshit. "The tunnels, water treatment plant." He knew I wasn't going to stop calling until he told me.

"McCall if he dies, I'm never going to forgive you."
I never ended the call so quickly.

I hopped on my motorcycle not even wasting time to grab my helmet. I had my hair tied back and i broke all the speed linits. As if I gave a shit. My dads the sheriff.

What if I arrive too late? Fuck what if he's seriously hurt? God what if he's seriously hurting right now. I can't lose him. Not him. He saved me. I can't have him go.

I arrived at the water treatment in the tunnels not even caring who could see me and who couldnt. I ran in racing as the adrenaline rushed through my body finding my way through the tunnels.

I heard a huge roar echoing through the tunnels the minute I arrived and I immediately covered my ears holding myself tightly. That wasn't Scott, that was Liam. Liams roar was always so much more aggressive but Scott's was powerful. You know the difference.

I ran through the water treatment plant and I heard voices from a distant managing to get closer.
As soon as I turned I saw Scott, Malia Lori and Liam all standing on the opposite side of the hallway.

"Oh I'm so going to kill all of you." I fisted my hands and Lori was about to run to me to hug me and I heard Scott immediately roar at her.

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