You can cry

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I trashed everything. I went home and trashed my room. I broke everything in my room. I raged. I didn't cry. I cried enough to rage.

I let out everything. I went to my hiding place. Aiden's. And I slammed the door shut. I locked the door. And I lay on the floor of his home. And I stared up at the wall.

I stared and stared and all I felt...all I felt was empty. I wanted it to go. But there was nothing left. I was empty.

I didn't want anyone, anytbing, I didn't even want myself. I didn't feel sad or happy or hungry or tired. I felt empty.

Every moment, every kiss, every hand hold, every looked, everything played through my mind. Everything. I lost my bestfriend.
I had to shut everyone out.

I lose everyone i love. It's me. Im the one who's cursed. I lost mom I lost Heather Alison Aiden Brett. I lost them. I cant love anyone because I just lose them. I can't go through this anymore.

My phone lay right next to me and I lay on my stomach staring at the ground. Staring at the blood covered keys. Staring at the dried up blood on my hands.

For hours. It was mid day. I had gotten calls. I hadn't moved a mucsle. I didn't want to move. I couldn't feel like I could. I just stared.

I should be comforting Liam right now. I should be making sure he's okay, yet im laying on a wooden floor staring at everything and nothing.
Staring at my hands then memories then nothing.

I don't know I fell asleep, but I hadn't moved. My eyes just shut. My mouth was still closed. But it was dark again. And I was back in the cycle. Except now im thinking about Aiden. Every memory to every kiss hand hold everything.

And now Heather, and now my mom. And back to Brett. The one who was supposed to stay.
I had thirty miss calls from my dad. Thirty from Lydia, and fifty from Scott.

The phone rang for the thirty first time and I answered. "Max?"

My throat was so dry. I was so numb But i tried my best to talk. "Im okay dad." I whispered and I heard him worried over the phone.

"Come home kid, it's been a day, we need you home. Im worried. Everyone's worried and I need you home." Dad worried and I could tel he was worried.

"Im okay." I was all I could say and I knew he worried more. "Just tell me where you are kid."

"Im okay." I repeated and I waited for him to hang up. I wasn't going to move.
"Maxine where are you."

"Im safe."

"Come Home kid." He pleaded over the line and I slowly sighed. "I can't."

"I'll search for you." Dad was determined.
"I know. Im Safe though. I promise."

"I love you kid, you know I love you." Dad said his voice breaking.
"I know. Im not ready to come home though."

"Where are You Max?" He asked for the last time and I sighed. "Lydia knows, she's probably tracked my phone by now."

"Yeah, she has. She just isn't telling us." Dad groaned and I couldn't help but grin.
"That's my Lyd's."

I decided to finally move and I cut the phone of. I immediately heard the phoke ring another time. But this time it was different.

I got up for this phone call. I sat myself up slowly and I stared at the bloody tshirt i was wearing.
I answered the facetime and seeing his face, I felt something in the past twenty four hours.

"You heard?" I asked and he nodded seeing his face full of real sympathy. "I wanted to catch a flight back."

"Enjoy DC Stiles. I'm okay." That's all i could say.
"Yeah you look it" He sarcastically said and I rested my back in the foot of the couch letting my head fallback.

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