1- Metanoia

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم.

Nobody tells you just how loud the sound of silence is. At that moment, she felt like she could hear everything and nothing at the same time.

Madina Adamu Sambo curled herself into a small ball as she recalled the satisfying moment she's had just few hours ago. She is so glad she's gone through with her threats because it was delightful and pleasurable. It was worth all the troubles and challenges.

She shouldn't be this happy about what she's done since she couldn't tell her friend what about it thought it was meant for her. It was just a little revenge she's been plotting to get back at someone who's made her friend go through hell.

When she orchestrated and ordered for expensive set of thugs to go beat the crap out of Abbas again, she was ecstatic when a picture of Abbas Bāmanga Tukur beaten to a pulp and unconscious on the ground looking like the homeless douchebag he's always been. The ungrateful prick was wearing expensive kaftan probably because of the favor her friend did to him.

After everything he's done to her best friend, Mariam, Madina had promised to make him pay for it. He should be lucky there is a baby between the two of them and Mariam loves her husband more than anything in the world. Things could've been much worse if not for that.

When she found out that Mariam was in coma months ago, Madina had almost lost it. Everyday she makes fresh vows on how she wanted to see him suffer. He's fallen in love with Mariam but he's made her go through hell because she was so obsessed with him. He doesn't deserve Mariam. Not in this life or next.

Had anything happened to Mariam, Madina took an oath to make his life miserable and she was not kidding.

Madina had already started making plans on how to make sure he is thrown into streets by his own family. She'd do anything she can to make sure of that. That job he is proud of as a Navy Officer, a Commander at that, it would've flopped too. She's already talked to the right people, in the right ears.

She would've set fire in any possession he had. His car, that little boy's quarters in his parent's home. Then go ahead to wipe out every single cent he has from his bank account after making sure he got robbed of course.

She's even went far into planning on how she's going to pay a doctor to diagnose him with some illness he won't ever recover from. Illness that'll need expensive medical treatment or surgery he cannot afford. That is how deplorable she could be.

The forlorn and calamitous life she's charted out for him was eerily dark. He should thank his lucky stars that Mariam is awake and looks fucking happy too. Her smile wider than any Madina had ever seen. Happiness carved into her bones like she was born with it.

Perhaps. But that is something Madina cannot relate to.

Their little baby boy, Faheem, is also another reason why she withdrew all those kidnappings, manipulated illness and other robbery. She would've stripped him to nothing like he's planned to do to her friend.

He's done something good in his other life to be this fortunate. To be able to escape such ominous tough times.

Her phone rang then, yanking her off her lonely debate. It was a call from Mariam who's currently in Katsina but will come live in Abuja after a few months. She even made sure the guy got freaking promoted in his line of work.

"Hello, Mummy Faheem! Already missing your best best friend? Or is my godson crying for his godmother?" Madina's smile was empty but she's always kept it on her lips all the time.

It's an armor. Not a single soul could see through it.

A scoff came from the other end of the line -it was typical Mariam Abdou Baldé scoff. "Don't start by roaring in my ears now. I called to ask when you're coming back here. There are-"

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