Congrats Nop! I'm so proud of you and why is everybody getting married Mon absentmindedly asked herself as she got up to hug him but her mum caught that.

What do you mean honey? Who is getting married besides Nop?

Mon who didn't know what to say started to ramble but Nop quickly came to her rescue when he saw the panic in her eyes.

 Uncle and Auntee it's getting late and I should probably be on my way but thank you guys again for the lovely dinner and don't worry next time i'll invite you guys over to show off my Michelin skills Nop spoke while performing his chopping skills in the air.

Sure son, just let us know in case we need to get an ambulance on standby.

everybody laughed except for Mon who's smile didn't reach her eyes.

Goodnight Auntee and Uncle.Mon walk me out?

Goodnight son drive safely.


So Mon,where did your mind ran off to a couple of moments ago?

You know work,the pressure of Christmas dinner, Mon smiled hoping that Nop will let it go.

Hey, remember I've known you since childhood? you can't fool me, we're practically a twin.

I know..It's's nothing Nop really.


Fine, It's her ..

You mean...?


I see..Nop nodded in understanding.

So she's is getting married,I'm assuming?

Yes and it's not what you think Nop.

And what am I thinking? That you feel hurt,dissapointed,shocked,betrayed even?

Mon let me tell you,It's normal to feel that way. What you and Sam had was something out of this world and it was evident. You loved her with an unselfish love and she loved you passionately and unconditionally.You and Sam had a secret laguage that still remains a mistery to the rest of us.You don't get that kinda love twice, unless it's with the same person, so Mon don't you dare make excuses or apologise for that you hear me?That kinda love don't just disappear overnight, in fact I don't think that it even dies, it only slumbers.

Mon who all of a sudden felt exposed and didn't know why, just silently agreed with a shy smile on her face because she really didn't know how to respond to that and because Nop out of nowhere began to speak like he's been hanging out with Rumi in his past life for way too long which both impressed and confused Mon.

Hey, when did you grow into this human? Mon asked while drawing a huge invisible circle around Nop

When you left.

I had to grow up,I mean somebody had to take the lead because there's no way I'm trusting Yuki.Remember when we were sixteen and Yuki decided that we should try this new menu at a sketchy restaurant and ended up with inflated lips and upset stomachs?

Yes,how could I ever forget Mon started to laugh.

Well it happened again just shortly after you've left, we wanted to eat the pain away and ended up in the ER once again.

And they both laughed with tears rolling down their faces.

I'm sorry for leaving you guys like that but I just couldn't stay Nop,Mon sincerely apologised.

Hey it's fine I get it and I don't blame you.I mean look at you,you should be the poster child for   "Change is good"

They both laughed as Mon playfully punched him on the arm.

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