Connie's Jailtime *Bonus

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(Cursing and mentions of Connie's attempt murder :D )

Following Connie
[Year one, day one.]

"I can't believe you did that young lady!" her dad shouted at her from the front of the police car, "Trying to kill someone! That's 9 years in jailtime!" Connie then grumbled, "Not if there's any evidence, I need to go to court." Her dad said, "You think that 'keep beach city weird' kid didn't record the whole thing? How blind could you be? You didn't even close the door!"

Connie felt as though her dad was lecturing her about how bad she did, versus the fact that she shouldn't be doing it at all. The car came to a stop, and her dad unbuckled himself, reaching for her. As he grabbed her cuffs, she didn't struggle.

He led her into a cell, locking the bars on the door and taking off the handcuffs. She huffed, going onto the bunkbed nearest to her. "That's mine." she heard a prisoner grumble. She turned and glared at them, they backed away, "N-never m-mind."

Connie sighed, launching herself onto the mattress and burying herself in the sheets. She was annoyed with this grown woman in her cell, and she hadn't even talked to her yet. "W-what did you get in here for?" the lady whispers, and Connie groans, "If I tell you, will you shut up."

"Yes." the woman responds, and Connie frowns, "Attempted murder." The woman's eyes widened, "Robbing a bank." then, "How and why." Connie rolled her eyes hissing, "How, a sword to the head and impaled stomach, successfully may I add, but that was to a superhuman. Why was because this person was all over my boyfriend - That snake."

The woman didn't say anything after that. Connie looked up. The woman was in orange (as was she), and she looked around the age of 35, having long, brown hair, red eyes, and scars. She had obviously done worse than 'robbing' but Connie didn't say anything.

"Psttt- new kid!" a man adult screeched from the cell next to her, "Why the F*ck are you here? You look like a baby!" Connie turned to the man. He had tattoos exclaiming how 'strong' he was, all over his arms. He had a bandana on his head. "Who knew that all the prisoners here would look like the stereotypical ones in movies." she mumbled to herself.

"WHAT DIDU SAY!" he growled, snatching her though the bars and holding her by the collar. "I said you're ugly, and I'm prettier than you." Connie growls. The man went to punch her face, but when he threw his fist, she caught it, griping it painfully.

"Don't you dare mess with me unless you want a sword to the head like that snake with my boyfriend." Connie says, letting it go and biting the man's hand that was holding her. He grunts in pain and drops her. She goes back to her prisoner's bed and lays down.

"This is going to be a rough year."

[Year two, day one]

~ Night time ~

"You still piss me off." Connie growls to the woman who is sitting in the corner, shuffling cards. "What? Afraid of losing?" she teases. "NO!" Connie barks, marching up to her and sitting on the floor with her.

The woman deals the cards, setting up a game of (favorite card game [chess or checkers if you want :D ]). Connie easily won. "Did I just lose my dessert for a year?" The woman questions herself as she puts the cards away. Connie had played 100 rounds, day and night, and she still won, no matter how tired she was. 

~ Time Skip ~

It was morning, and Connie snatched a yogurt from the woman (Jessica, or Beatrix, whoever you prefer.) the woman had tried to protest, but Connie cut her off, "It's a deal, woman. You can't go back on those." thus, leaving that poor old prison mate starving for the next year (Dessert was the only good prison food, so people would only eat that, Jessica/Beatrix was no exception).

[Year three, day one]

"Don't you dare try to challenge me, when you know you'll fail." Connie barked at the man, who was playing a game of basketball with her. It was 1v1 and she was up by 7, (To 0) winning the game, saying that, and walking off like a star. 

She had made a reputation around the prison nowadays, and everyone was afraid of her. Those who challenged her ended up humiliated and laughed at by others in the prison. She was probably the highest on the danger level in the prison, intentionally breaking out of prison three times just to get food.

She cursed a lot too. "F*ck you." she whispered, smirk on her face as she went to go get food, "You're such a Pu33y, you can't even compare." this was a phase for the next year.

[Year four, day one]

Connie had finally grown out of her popular phase, preferring to stay alone and unactive. This was her fifth prison break, and she was now being cuffed to her cell for safety reasons. She was also allowed a call on this day.

"Hello Y/n." she growled into the phone, recipient choosing not to reply to the hostile teenage girl, now age 17(?). "I hate you so F*ck!ng much, I wish I succeeded in killing you." It was no use as the time ran out and she was cut off.

[Year five, day one]

She was told that she only had one year left because she was only 14 when she attempted murder. Usually, it would have been 9 years in jail, but yeah- younger age, shorter time. Everyone was going to be glad to get her out anyway- they hated her foul language and attitude.

[Year five, day one] 

"I'm out!" She screeched running out the door, snagging a map for directions.
She was going to find Y/n. Kill them and take back Steven.

(A/n: I'm sorry. I don't know why I did this... Maybe I went a liiitttleee too far??)

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