Failed Healing

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Your POV

You had heard the doctors speak a lot about you lately. Being there since age 5, you could tell that they were bored of you. You had paralysis, and you couldn't move at all. You were 16 now, but the same fate was inevitable. You were going to die.

Have you heard of this before?
'On the part of the doctor who might wish to prescribe a lethal dose to alleviate patient suffering, this act of "mercy killing" is still gravely immoral for many reasons. Even for those who are close to death, doctors must provide all ordinary means of care. True "palliative care," in which there have been tremendous advances.'

Or this?
'The action of surgically cutting off a limb.'

One of those tactics are going to be used on you in a month.
They had tried everything to get you out of that hospital bed. 
Nothing had worked.
You couldn't move your legs.
You couldn't move your feet, toes.
You couldn't feel anything in your lower torso.

The doctors had told you about an hour ago about a visitor, that supposably could heal stuff with spit. You didn't believe it, but you wanted to. Just then, a boy, the same age as you, came in the room.

He introduced himself, telling you about his powers and his backstory.

When he asked where he was healing, you used your arms to push yourself out of the laying position you were in, so he could clearly see and reach your legs. He touched them with wet fingers, but you didn't flinch because you couldn't exactly feel it.

You tried to move your leg, but it didn't work. "Try?" he asked, and you shook your head, "I didn't work. I promise I did." He frowned, "It usually works... Maybe my healing rejected you or something?" you shook your head, "I mean, you got rid of my migraine." 

He sent you a half-hearted smile, and you returned it. He paused, "What will happen to you? How long have you been here?" your smile faded as you say, "Since age 5. They'll probably either kill me or cut my legs off to get me out of the hospital in a month." his face framed a both shocked, worried, and disgusted face.

Then he claimed, "Well, I'm going to stay with you for that whole month to make up for it!" and you chuckled. His heart melted; he wished he could do more for you. He was useless in this situation and you both knew it. You scoffed, "Sure, but now knowing your daily life, I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't have the time."

His face morphed into hurt. "Why would you say that??" he asked, and you mumbled, "By the sound of it, you have a family and other stuff to deal with. I can tell you're uncomfortable in hospitals by the expressions you make. You don't have to stay-" he cut you off, "You don't have any family?"

You shake your head, tearing up as he listens, "They abandoned me after 2-3 years. They couldn't bear the sight of me anymore." his face forms into a frown, it almost didn't fit his face. "WHat Did YOU DO?!" one of the doctors yelled, pulling Steven away from you screeching, "He's never frowned before! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?!" Steven shook the doctor off, sending her a glare and saying, "I can, in fact, frown. I shall do as I please. This wasn't Y/n fault. Stop screaming."

The doctor seemed to bring nurses in, and they wouldn't stop touching him, checking if he was alright, asking questions... It irritated him to pieces. They were worried that you had somehow corrupted him, and that only made him all the more furious. 

He walked past, doctors latched to his arms as he apologized to you. "It's okay!" you grin, but he could tell it had no meaning. "I'm used to it by now." You said, waving him as he left the room.

Steven POV

I ran home, using my power to slow down time. When I got to my apartment, I called the gems. "Guys!" I shouted at the speaker as they answered the call. "What's wrong?" Garnet asked, and I sighed, livid.

"You know how I told you guys that I would be healing people in the hospital near my area?" I ask, and I can hear a hum in response, I continue, knowing that they are listening. "Well-" I rant, "There was this one teen around my age, Y/n. They hadn't been out of a hospital in 11 years!" I paused to breathe, but continued with anger evident in my tone, "My power didn't work on them! They're legs still don't work! And now, it's possible that they might die! It would all be my fault."

I stop for a moment to receive feedback. "It wasn't your fault." Pearl offered, along with Amythyst adding, "Yeah man! There was nothing you could have done." Garnet putting on a supportive smile behind the camera (don't ask how I know) said, "Spend every last moment with them. It may change something."

I grumble, "And the doctors were treating them like trash! They treated me like I was about to explode by the touch of them, and they wouldn't stop latching to me! It was soooo annoying!" Garnet laughs, "Yeah, if you don't fix that soon, it will get worse, trust me on that."

I sigh and say, "That was the only eventful thing all day. Every other person I healed recovered like they should've. It was just weird." We spoke for a few more hours, catching up. Then, I canceled the call.

I was a lot less busy than Y/n thought.
I wasn't working littlehomeschool anymore, and I don't have anyone else to fight.
I don't really want to spend all my time at homeworld with the diamonds, so I would prefer staying home instead.

They were the literal best option.
For once, that 'best option' was a good one.

I didn't regret sleeping in later, or the fact that I had skipped breakfast to see Y/n earlier.

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