Dad and Connie

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Your POV

You were woken up by a man choking Steven. "D-dad!" Steven exclaims, out of breath, "Can't- breathe-" the man let go, and Steven was practically gasping for air at this point. A tear slid down your cheek, and he fell to the floor. You wiped it away, "Sorry! My eyes water when I wake up."

The man looks to Steven for an explanation. "They're the next Blue Diamond. A hybrid like me." he says, yawning and cuddling into you. You huff, "Steven, get up. Go and spend time with your dad." he looks up and gives you puppy eyes. "I can cry again." threaten, and he whines, getting up and leaning on his father.

"Humg me." he mumbles into his dad's shoulder. You felt a pang of jealousy as Steven's dad did so. You get off the couch, stretching. You stumbled, but you didn't hit the ground. There was a sheet of water keeping you from the ground. You were surprised your clothing didn't get soaked.

Steven was by you in an instant, holding you up by the back of your shirt. "Reflex?" you ask yourself, as he helps you up. After you were standing upright, he wraps his arms around your waist, burying his face into your neck.

"Someone's clingy~" you tease. You can feel your neck getting warmer, and you knew it was from his blush as his cheeks reddened in embarrassment. The gems who had just come in, were cooing at how adorable they were.

"His ears are red!" Steven's dad, which you had learned as Greg, had pointed out. Steven moved a hand from your waste to cover his ear that was showing. The group laughed. You moved the water into your mouth from the sheet it was previously in, throat suddenly dry.

Suddenly a girl with chocolate skin burst into the room. She was the one who saw Steven hugging you. She walked up to you, sticking out her hand. "Hello, I'm Connie! One of Steven's BEST f-friends." she made sure you got the 'best' part.


You tried to take her hand, but Steven's suddenly went into yours, and you chuckled softly, "I would take your hand, but Steven has other plans. He seems tired today and I have no idea why." Connie scoffed, mumbling to herself, "Of course he would, having to deal with that butt of yours for a few seconds." 

Your skin was suddenly burning, and you shrieked as you saw his hands turn pink. His skin went cool, and you looked at him. "I can change the temperature as I learned. I didn't want to burn you, and I really need to wake up." he explained, mumbling into the shirt on your shoulder.

"If you want, I can splash you with water without getting any on the floor, plus your clothes won't get wet." you offered, and you felt him nod and let go. You frowned at the loss of touch as you splashed him with water.

He shook the water off like a dog, and you laughed at how deflated his hair looked. You slicked it back with your hand, water seemingly attaching to it. his hair poofed back up as it was, and you just realized how messy it really was.

You soaked up all the water and put in his mouth, to which he swallowed. "I would hug you again." he said, "But at this point, I wouldn't be able to let go. You're too comfortable." he paused, "What was I even angry about?" and he turned back to his normal shade.

You laughed, "Nothing." not wanting Connie to get into trouble for getting bratty. She glared but said nothing. You took her hand and shook it, fully aware of her purposely hand-breaking grip. "I've felt worse. Steven bruised my ribs at one point." you say shrugging.

Connie's eyes met Steven's as he said, "I fell asleep." he turned to you, complaining, "And I told you I was sorry! I healed you, didn't I?" You nodded, "I'm not mad, just teasing." he sighed. "You thought I was mad??" you asked, and he shook his head vigorously, "No- that's not it, I just feel bad- no- wai-" 

Connie cuts him off, "So Steven, who the heck is this person?" pointing to you. He sighs and explains, "I met them at a hospital. Unlike the other patients, I wasn't able to heal them. Eventually, after a day of hanging out, their wheelchair fell, and they got a gem, which happens to be a diamond. They have family, but no idea where they are. All they have is their numbers."

Connie cheers, "Then, let's help them find home!" You winced, "My parents don't really like me-" but she cut you off, "Me neither! See? All the more reason to drop you off there and let them deal with you!"

Steven turned pink, looking older than before. Connie flinched back by instinct as you grabbed onto Steven's arm. Your tears everyone buckle to the ground, but Steven turned normal but still pink, a single tear flowing down his cheek.

You walk up to Connie, crying waterfalls. "Do you know what happened to me?" you boomed, "I was neglected for 5 years of my life!" Connie laughs, "You think that compares to being sheltered until you were 12? I had no freedoms!" "I wasn't done!" you exclaimed, "I was then verbally abused along with death threatened for 11 years while unable to move because my stupid legs wouldn't work! You're asking me to go back!? I would rather rest in hell! It would be better than the life I was forced to live! I didn't even experience real happiness until Steven came along!"

You stopped crying, and the room went back to normal. Everyone's eyes were on you. "Man," Amythyst said suddenly, "Now I wish you were still crying. It would give me a reason to do so now." and everyone (except Connie) burst out into fits of laughter.

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