She sneers, "I heard about you. People are afraid of you. I refuse to be." She opens her arms, but the animosity doesn't leave her eyes.

I smirk at the venom in her voice, "good. I don't need you to be. Just know, the stories are true." I warn. "Now can I finish what I was trying to say?" At her silence, I continue, "thank you. Now I want you on weapons detail with Earl. We might need to get creative if the skins decide to they want to dance with us after all."

"Why the hell do you want me on that?"

I shrug, "because I think with your history, you might help us get a little more creative in that area. I'd help, but hands are little full at the moment."

She balks, "you know?" Her expression darkens at the revelation.

"I know. I make it a point to know my people. You killed the man who raped your cousin cause no one would do anything about that." Yumiko gave me a small run down on the group she arrived with, ending her story when Michonne dropped them off at the gates of Hilltop. I have a small idea of who these people are, but I only have some sort of working relationship with the woman who quickly became my right hand woman. Nothing like two strong women leading a community. Girl power for the win, am I right? I clasp my hands, "I respect that because I had to kill my own devil that followed me into the new world." I observe as her mouth falls open, but closing it without a snippy remark. "I needed someone like you in my past, so instead I became the person I needed." I quickly confess. She cocks her head, scrutinizing me through a darkened glare. Without any more snarky comments, she quickly gets up, leaving me and the office behind. I let out a sigh when I hear the click of the door shutting.

I gotta keep my eye on that one, I deduce from our short interaction. She might be Yumiko's girlfriend, but I can't allow her to stay if she decides to stir up trouble. I genuinely hope it doesn't come down to that. I know I'll have a small uproar on my hands in that case.

I'm stalking through the courtyard

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I'm stalking through the courtyard. After my tense conversation with Magna, I needed to some fresh air. She left me feeling irate and annoyed. I couldn't focus on the work in front of me to save my life. I hope I got to her in some way. I don't need things to get worse between us. So much for trying to form a working with relationship with this new group. Yumiko being the obvious exception. She and Luke don't seem to be as thick headed as their resident spitfire.

I was her at the farm and the prison, I muse. Now, I'm tasting my own medicine.

Speaking of the new group, I spot the sisters - Connie and Kelly -  sitting before the twins near Jesus' old trailer, teaching and educating them on sign language. I grin at the innocence of the sight. I step towards them, curious as to what words they are attempting to teach my crazy duo. Like me, my kids love to absorb all things knowledge.They will be one hell of a force in this world once they become of age.

Kelly's gaze finds me, growing wide. I frown observing as she takes a small step back at my approach. They must've heard the same stories as Magna had. I hold my hands up, "just wanted to make sure my children weren't driving you two up a wall."

She visibly relaxes, "no, they asked to learn so they could talk to us."

My gaze flicks between the two, understanding what she's not saying. "You're losing your hearing." She bows her head, nodding. Sadness and empathy for the younger sister glides along my flesh. I can't imagine trying to survive in this world when you can't hear the monsters coming for you. They must have a secret way they can see or feel the danger incoming. It's their secrets unless they decide they want to clue me in. I won't push the subject unless they decide to breach it with someone who, for all intents and purposes, is a stranger. "But that makes you two superheroes, right? Your perceived weakness is your super power. You made it work to survive."

She grins, meeting my gaze, again. "That's what she says,' she gestures to Connie.

I cock my head, baffled as Connie begins to sign in my direction. I frown, "I'm sorry, I don't understand." I groan inwardly, wishing I took the time to learn sign language when I was younger.

Kelly chuckles, "she says thank you for not being upset with us for teaching your children without your permission."

I smile, shaking my head, "no, of course not. I'll never say no if they decide they want to learn something other than the boring school work I give them everyday. All knowledge is powerful. They just have something else in their arsenal to help them navigate the world as they get older." I chew on my lip in thought as Kelly relies my message, "I'm worried I won't be able to comprehend it now that I'm old. You can't teach an old dog new tricks."

Connie giggles when Kelly finishes. The younger woman's eyes don't leave her sister as she offers a response, "you can. It just takes lots of practice. Maybe when you have some time to yourself, we can teach the big scary leader."

I playfully grab my heart in surprise, "me? Scary?" I roll my eyes, grinning, "okay, maybe, but just to idiots, and assholes. Which neither of you are."

Kelly turns her gaze to me, face serious. "Those rumors, they're true?"

Sighing, "yes. Maybe one day, I'll share my story. But, I need to get back to work. Don't be strangers, okay? You promised to teach me, I'm holding you to that. I'll send word when I get that moment so you can have my full attention."

I spin on heels, ready to head back into the warmth of the Barrington house when shouting drags my awareness towards the gates, "open up! It's Jerry and Dianne." The voice reaches my ears. I race over, not knowing why these two would show up at our door step. A sinking feeling suddenly erupts into my stomach, creating an empty, dark pit.

I meet the Kingdom residences at the door. Jerry's sad eyes meet mine, "The King needs you. The Kingdom is about to fall."


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The Woman at The End of The World. (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now