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Jisung couldn't sleep that night.

Really, he tried. As soon as he got home around four in the morning, he went to his bed and crashed down, shutting his eyes and clearing his mind. Well, he succeeded in all except for the last part. Because his mind was a mess. 

He kept replaying his encounter with the Black Blur, for a lot of things about it worried him. He now knew another name to call him by, Min, and in return, he told his nemesis what to call him. Was that a smart move? And then there was the fact that he flirted back, albeit sarcastically. He was just playing along with Min's game, but what if it would backfire, one way or another? Oh, and Jisung had probably boosted his dripping ego even more by calling him pretty boy and handsome. What even had gotten into him when he did that? He should focus on getting the villain out of town as soon as possible, not play along with his stupid games. 

And that other side of Min he had seen, when he dropped his cocky villain act, what was that? Was that the real Min he saw, or was it still a part of the act he put on? But it reminded him so much of the hesitant smile the Black Blur had worn when he entered the Seven-Eleven, and there was no way he could know it was Jisung who sat at the checkout. It really caught him off guard. 

He was slowly going crazy from all his doubts and uncertainties, and he groaned into his pillow. There was no way he would be able to sleep like this, so why did he still bother trying? Jisung took a quick peek at the alarm clock on his nightstand, and it told him that it was currently half past six in the morning. In only an hour and a half, his alarm would go off and he'd have to get ready for work. Instead of wasting his time in bed, he could also do something productive. 

Jisung kicked off his covers and got up, flinging his legs over the edge of his mattress until his feet touched the cold hardwood floor. He pulled on a pair of socks and a sweater and trudged into the living room, where he rummaged through the cabinets in search of a pen and a piece of paper. 

As soon as he found what he was looking for, he kneeled down at the coffee table and began writing.

Min/Black Blur's abilities.

Jisung thought of all their encounters so far, trying to remember what he had seen of his fellow superhuman. There were a lot of things, but to figure out what powers he exactly possessed was pretty hard. He remembered the male's sudden disappearances, but there were various explanations for that. Heaving out a sigh, he brought his pen to the paper.

Invisibility/teleportation (?) he wrote.

Those where the most credible options, he figured. What else could it be? Jisung wasn't all too knowledgeable in this area, as it regarded abilities he didn't possess. Then he moved on to the next bulleted point, thinking deeply.

There was the urban wildfire, and again the hero wasn't quite sure. It could be the work of a simple match and gasoline, or Min could be pyrokinetic. Making this list was a lot harder than he had anticipated, for the options were basically unlimited. Even though he didn't know for sure, he still wrote it down.

Pyrokinesis (?) was his next point.

Pursing his lips, he thought of other abilities he had seen so far, but aside from the Black Blur's illegally charming smile, he couldn't think of any. Wasn't influencing victims with your charms a credible ability? If so, Min had it down to perfection. Enough to write it down.

With a sigh, Jisung gazed at his small list that only consisted of three bulleted points so far.

Min's/Black Blur's abilities
Invisibility/teleportation (?)
Pyrokinesis (?)
His damn s m i l e

It wasn't much, but if their encounters would continue like this, he would be sure to find out more of the male's superpowers as the time went by.

The hero tried racking his brain for more but failed to do so. He was tired, so tired, and he pushed the piece of paper away from him and hunched over his coffee table, resting his forehead against the cool wooden surface. It was uncomfortable, but he was too exhausted to care. As he tried to think, his thoughts slowly blurred over until nothing comprehensible was left, and slumber fell upon him.

There he lay, sprawled out over his table with his cheek pressed against the sheet of paper that had the Black Blur's name on it. In the faint light radiating off a dim lamp in the corner, the tired hero was sound asleep, and his dreams were occupied with a certain male as he rested.

The oh-so attractive cat-like grin that stole Jisung's breath away. The raven hair that shone under the moonlight, looking so soft and silky that the hero wanted to touch it. The captivating eyes that shimmered with amusement and something else, something Jisung could not quite decipher. All Min's features were crystal clear images in his mind.

In his room, his alarm was blaring, but it was too faint for Jisung to hear. Given, he wasn't awoken by the sound, and soft snoring resonated throughout the living room of his apartment.

He dreamt of fire; purging flames that ate their way through the streets of his city, fiery heat that set his heart ablaze as he faced his handsome nemesis atop a building.

Way too late did he wake up from his vivid dreams, and way too much was he affected by what he saw. He awoke with a heartbeat so rapid that it was as if it was hammering in his chest, and his cheeks flared crimson as he thought about the villain's charming smile.

And then there was the surge of panic that ran through his entire being as he caught eye of the clock on the wall that informed him of the time – half past nine in the morning. His shift at the Seven-Eleven had already started, yet there Jisung was, slumped in his living room as the daze of slumber slowly wore off.

Groaning, he pushed himself away from the coffee table and forced himself to his feet. His body was sore and stiff from remaining in such a position for hours, and even the simple task of getting to his feet proved to be quite painful. With a soft grunt, he stretched his back and rearranged his thoughts. Min occupied his mind way too much, and he had other problems at hand now.

For example, facing his boss.

The hero quickly readied himself and rushed out of his apartment, mentally preparing himself for another day of pretending to be an ordinary human male who ran on way too little sleep.

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