the highroller

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Its been weeks now since ive been stuck and forced to work for val. But at least i dont have to screw anyone...yet. Until one day val called me into his office.

Ace: what is it you want now walking cesspool...🙄

Val: ace baby...i habe an important guest comin over tonight and hes seen ya like ya to be his personal escort...

Ace: escort? Like...just make him feel important? He must have an ego bigger than yours..

Val: enough with the sass ace baby...ya will do as i say got that!?

Ace: fine...whos this special guest..😒

Val: hes a mafia boss...a good friend of mine from dont piss em off!

Ace: sigh...ok fine whatever...

As i left his office he had a big grin on his face. I hurried and spent all day getting ready for this guest he had coming. As night finally came i walked out and saw val at the VIP section with someone that looked like uncle moxxie. I walked over and waited for instructions from val.

Val: ah there she is...ace baby this is our guest whos paid a lotta money for ya...why dont ya make em feel...special 😈

I sighed and was about to sit next to him bht the man grabbed me quickly and sat me in his lap.

Val: ace baby...this is my good friend crimson...

Crim: quite the pleasure meeting you ace...ive been eager to meet you...

Ace: crimson...wait my dad blitzo and uncle moxxie warned me about you!

Crim: dead to me...that gay lil bitch can fucking die for all i care! And as for your dad well...i gots plans for him hehehe....

Ace: i..val i cant do this!

Val: ya will or ill make sure ya dear daddy has a lil...accedent...

Crim: lots of things could happen to him...but they wont if you just do as we shut up..and look your gorgeous dame self...

Ace: sigh...fine...

As the night went on a bit val was busy with his clients as i was lighting crimsons cigars and sitting in his lap. He would constantly rub my ass which made me uncomfortable. But i knew saying anything would piss him and val off. At least it was just that and nothing more...or so i had thought. Crimson later started getting really handsy. When i tried stopping him i saw some of his goons watching my actions. Seeing them here i knew hed make good on his threat. He even started slightly grinding against me. He then suddenly kissed me and that was the last straw for me as i tried to slap him but he was expecting it and grabbed my wrist then pinned me down to the seat.

Crim: heh...nice try sweetheart...but i paid a lot of money for you and i expect to enjoy you to the fullest...

Ace: ngh!! Th..this isnt part of the deal!! Val said to be an escort nothing more!!

Crim: hahaha! Oh my you dont know do you?! Im a high roller meaning i bought your be a sweet lil thing and accept whats coming to you...

Ace: y..your lying! Val would never-

Val: is there a problem...?

Ace: VAL!! thank goodness...tell him this isnt part of my service! Please!

Val: ...hehehe....oh baby as i said he paid a lotta money...

Ace: b..but...the contract states-

Val: baby...i tweeked ya contract...and if he really enjoys ya...hes gonna offer more money to buy ya straight out...

Ace: what!? cant do that!

Val: i can do whatever the fuck i wanna baby....crimson please enjoy yaself...ya can even have one of my exclusive rooms...😏

Crim: oh i think i will...boys take her to the room...but dont rough her up too much...i want her in one piece got that?

Goon1: yes boss!

As crimson followed val to the room his goons try to grab me but i quickly grabbed a knife as if by instinct and slash one of their necks open. I then bit into the other ones throat and ripped out his vocals. As more goons surrounded me i grinned.

Ace: come get some you fucking simping shit stains!! You think you can handle me?! Im blitzos mother fucking daughter!!

One of them lunged at me as i jumped and evaded him, i landed on one of their backs and stabbed him repeatedly. One of them grabbed me and pinned me to the table choking me. I quickly grabbed a spoon and stabbed it into his eye and gauged it out of his eye socket. As he screamed in pain i slammed his head against the table a few times. I didnt know where all this came from but i mustve gotten it from my father. One of them tried to grab me but i ducked and as he slammed into the table i used the spoon and stabbed him in his gut and strangled him with my tail till he passed out. Maybe i could even escape now. I looked at the door seeing a goon was in my way so i grinned knowing hes about to die. It felt like i was alive killing these goons. I ran right at him and slid under him between his legs then climbed into his back and used my claws to rip out his spine. As he laid dead i couldnt beleive i can finally get away from val. I could finally see my grandpa, my sister! Even uncle moxxie and aunt millie! As i eagerly grabbed the door handle i suddenly felt wires and cords wrapping around me and felt my body being electricited. As i fell to my knees i glared up at vox.

Ace: you son of a bi-

I then felt a sting in my neck and collapsed. My vision turned hazy and blurry as i looked up at vox and val. As i closed my eyes i can only hear their voices faintly.

Val: dont worry crim..when she wakes be more submissive...hehehe

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