Welcome To The Club

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I was at loo loo land with my dad blitzo and his employees millie and moxxie as well as my big sister loona. I see my dad on the weekends since my grandfather asmodeous doesnt like my dad much and thinks hes not responsible enough to raise me since my mother died when i was really young. No one knows exactly what happened but some say she was murdered. I keep trying to bond with my dad but hes always too busy for me ot seemed. So i just wondered around loo loo land by myself. I saw this plush i wanted so i started playing and actually won but the carni was being....difficult.

Carni: sorry lil lady but i did say ya gotta pay more

Ace: and i say your full of shit!!

Carni: thems the rules...of course we can always negotiate if ya wanna go out back in my tent 😏

I glared at him. I may be the princess of lust but im not a floozy slut! Just then i someone shot all the targets. As i looked i saw a strange imp dressed on cowboy attire.

Striker: now will ya give this lil filly her prize? Or do i gotta shoot ya next...

Carni: n..no! Sh..she won here miss take it!!

As i grabbed the plush i looked at the stranger shocked as he winked at me.

Ace: um...thank you sir...

Striker: notta prob lil filly...names striker...

Ace: m..my names ace...

Striker: heh...well ace i gotta ask...whys a lil cute filly all alone hm?

Ace: w..well...im not exactly alone...im here with my dad blitzo...

Striker: ...blitzos ya daddy huh? Intrestin...

Ace: you know him?

Striker: lets just say...me an ya ole man go way back...im guessin ya princess misumis lil gal then considerin thats who he was with last i heard..

Ace: ...she...passed away when i was little...

Striker: yea real shame...so that means ya also ozzies grandkid huh?

Ace: is it that obvious?

Striker: heh...well ya do have ya moms looks...say why dont we go for a walk hm? I gotta go check on my truck real quick...

Ace: i..i suppose that will be ok, but afterwards i should go find my dad..

Striker: notta prob filly...

He grinned and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. We walked towards the exit and talked more till we got to his truck. It looked run down and beaten up a bit.

Striker: just wait right there filly i just gotta grab somethin..

Ace: ok, just make sure its not too long...if i dont get back my dad will freak out..

As he searched his truck i had my back turned to him looking at the scenery of the theme park. It was just a poor mans version of lucifers lulu world.

Ace: hey do you think lucifer ever sent this place any ceast and desist papers? They are kinda ripping of his theme park...s..striker?

As i was about to turn around i felt him grab me tightly and place a wet cloth over my mouth and nose. I struggled as much as i could but quickly fell unconscious.

Striker: hehehe...sorry filly but this is just a lil pay back for ya old man...nothin personal...(he tied me up amd threw me into is truck and as he pulled away my dad was trying to chase him. Hours went by till i finally come to amd find myself being carried into a building i never seen before. I looked around frightened and try to wiggle out of strikers grip.

Striker: ah seems like the lil fillys awake!

He chuckles as he tosses me onto the floor. He removed my gag and smirked at me as i glared.

Ace: w..where am i?! Why did you kidnap me?! When my grandpa finds out-

Striker: oh pipe down...sorry filly but i need the money and this is pay back for ya old man fuckin me over too many times! As to where ya are ya at a club owned by the overlord of lust...now if ya behave he might go easy on ya...


As we heard foot steps he grinned. I looked and saw a tall moth man walking towards me dresses up as some pimp from the 80s and 90s. He towered over me as i looked up and glared. I was scared but i didnt need him to know that. The man took a puff from his cigarette and blew pink smoke in my face. The smoke smelled sweet surprisingly and i started feeling strange a bit and warm.

Valentino: ya werent lyin after all...this is definitely ozzies lil imp princess...she has the same eyes as mimi did...id never forget those eyes...

Ace: w..wait who are you?! H..how do you know my mom!?

Valentino: heh..i am ya granddaddys overlord of lust ace baby...

Ace: w..why am i here then?! You know my grandpa will come looking for me!!

Valentino: oh dont worry bout that baby...ya will see him again...hehe...ok striker good work how about i give ya $100k?

Striker: ya know how hard it was to get her without blitzo lookin?! Nah i want a mill...

Valentino: hm...how about half a mill...

Striker: its either i getta mill or ill take er somewhere else...

Valentino: ugh...fine ya fuckin money grubber...

He counts his money and tosses it to striker. Striker just tips his hat and leaves me at the mercy of this overlord.

Ace: w..wait!! Dont leave me here!! I dont even know this fuckers name you fucking asshole!!

Valentino: hehe...sorry baby but ya not leavin...

He unties me and i quickly took no time trying to run for the door to get out. As i got close to the door i felt him grab my arm and yank me back to him and pick me up. I try punching against his chest as hard as i can. I wished my grandpa wouldve let my dad teach me how to fight or at least let me have a gun.


Valentino: oh no baby...dont ya get it? Ya mine now


Valentino: my name...is Valentino baby...and i own ya now...

Ace: my father will kill you!! He kills people for a living!!

He started walking down the hall. I didnt know where he was taking me.

Valentino: hahaha!! Oh baby girl im ya daddy now...

Ace: w..where are you taking me!?

Valentino: think of this as an...employment interview...

He opens the door to a big room. There was a pole and a bed and many strange devices in it. As i looked horrified and scared he tosses me on the bed. I try to get up but he quickly pinned me down.

Ace: w..what are you doing!?

He suddenly kisses me. I could feel his disgusting tongue touching mine and taste the alcohol and cigarettes hes had lately. My eyes widen in terror as he looked at me with lust filled eyes. The eyes i see a lot from men who would visit my grandfathers club.

Valentino: Welcome to the club baby...😈

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