Chapter 4 - The Eternal Heat Storm

Start from the beginning

"Also, where are we, again? I just saw the very dark sky, that wasn't there yesterday", he added.
"Oh. Right, I should have told you earlier...", replied Riku.
He then explained where they got, adding that PK was able to help out the sisters.
"Weird that he too needed to join on that situation, I was expecting Anna to solve the situation on her own. Was it really that complicated?", asked the apprentice.
"I suppose so. The queen wanted to escape from the strict norms of the kingdom, and didn't feel worthy of that title. It didn't help that someone else wanted to take advantage of the delicate situation and make her join the darkness. But thanks to that masked duck and his two best friends, she found reason at the right time.", responded Riku.
"I see. Then, what happened now? What's with the ashen sky?", asked Tonitrus.
"If I had any idea, I would have already explained it to you. I do however sense a strange energy around here. After we're done regaining our energies, let's visit the castle and discuss this with Queen Arienrhod.", replied Riku.
"Understood!", replied the blonde boy.

After a very needed meal, the two went their way to the castle. Many houses had their roofs covered in ash, and the inhabitants coughed every time they attempted to clean it off. Even the castle had some, though more limited thanks to the constant maintenance and the sharper towers, which resulted in a good portion of it to fall to the ground. The gates were made of a mix between grey and blue, while the castle itself, inside and outside, was of a deep purple. It used to be off-limits for more than a decade, but now visitors were free to visit. When the two wanderers entered the main hall, the queen was already there, awaiting them, though her younger sister was nowhere to be seen. She had long platinum hair with a ponytail that went over her right shoulder, a turquoise dress with long black sleeves and blue high heeled boots.
"Your Majesty..." said Riku, as the two kneeled.
"It's fine. You two are free to refer to me as Elsa. What brings you here in this rather... Troublesome time?", said the queen.
"You mentioned it, Queen Elsa. We're here to take care of the situation you just mentioned. Now, what happened here? And, where is your sister?" asked Tonitrus. Elsa brought his words back to him, and said in a rather gloomy tone:
"You mentioned it, emissary of the far lands. Anna is responsible for this. Ever since she had an accident on her way to the forest, she got more and more agitated, and one day... When we were discussing about trading goods with a neighboring kingdom, she got a strong headache, and ran away. I was able to see her from afar and, with the snap of her fingers, she made a mountain near us explode and transform into an active volcano. The sky went black, the ice melted down, and... My ice powers were completely incapacitated... If you traveled this far, I can assume your goal is to save Arendelle from complete collapse.".
"Yes, Your Majesty. It looks like your sister has been corrupted by an enemy the two of us are looking after. We're going to take care of this and save her. ", said the grey haired boy. "Thanks. Arendelle and I are grateful. Be careful out there, the heat of the volcano can get very intense. ", said the queen.
"I wasn't even concious when I arrived here because of our previous mission, so I shouldn't be concerned about a raise in temperatures!", said Tonitrus, which made the young ruler chuckle.
"Alright then! Hope she doesn't destroy you, uuhh... What are your names?", she asked.
"Tonitrus on your left, Riku on your right", replied the latter.
"Very well. Best of luck!", said Elsa, before the two kneeled again and left. Little did they know is that close to the window behind the queen, was a girl slightly shorter than Tonitrus eavesdropping on the conversation. She had blue and purple bitonal hair the similar length as Riku, a purple scarf over her blue jacket, black leggings, and long white gloves and boots.
"Someone else is joining the fight, huh...", she said to herself, with an evil looking smile on her face.

On their way to the volcano, Tonitrus found a piece of paper hanging by a dead tree. He saw there was some readable text, so he picked it up and put it in his pocket, so he could give it a read when he was done with this.

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