Tae:you what are you doing here??

JK:I will answer that too but first will you get up from my lap

Tae again got shocked and gulp down hardly and sat on another couch while his cheeks were beetroot red in colour

JK: aishh!! Don’t be embarrassed tae it’s ok(said with smile)

Tae:but I should have looked before sitting (look down)

Taehee:it’s ok tae

Cause she saw everything while coming downstairs and she just wanted to laugh at tae but controlled herself seeing tae being embarrassed

Tae: sorry noona I swear I didn’t saw jungkook was sitting there

Taehee: taehyung you are worrying like I caught you having an affair with jungkook oh god tae please relax I know you and no need to explain me ok so chill

Mrs Kim:yeah tae it’s ok and you were already late sometimes it happens but from next be careful ok

Tae just nodded as yes

JK:you are sad like a baby who didn’t got his candy

Tae quickly looked at jungkook

Tae:I’m not a BABY

Jungkook just chuckled

Taehee: taehyung idiot you are already late for your university and now you are super late

Tae:oh god(started to fake crying)

JK:stop crying ok me and taehee are going for shopping and before that we will drop you by your university ok now stop crying like a cry baby

Tae:fine with me but I’m not a CRY BABY

Tae said and angrily left from there towards the car

JK:let’s go(to taehee)

Taehee:bye mom

JK:bye aunty

Mrs Kim:bye and go safely

Outside The Kim Mansion

Tae was standing there while leaning on jungkook’s car

JK:come on sit inside the car cry baby

Tae just glares at jungkook and sat at the back seat

While jungkook just chuckled and taehee also smile at there silliness and sit in front seat

JK:shall we go??

Tae: should I call a priest first huh!!

Taehee:calm down tae and jungkook let’s go to his university aaa**** his university

And left from there to tae’s university

Inside The Car

Tae: jungkook speed up or I will be more late than I’m already

JK: aishh!!!relax tae nobody would say anything to you

Tae:are you serious they will deduct my marks for finals

JK:oh that’s the matter now that’s I know so here you go(speed up the car)

Taehee: jungkook slow down the car

Tae:no jungkook just drive like this only I don’t want to be more late

Taehee:shut up idiot

Tae:I will see you later

JK:aishh!!stop fighting like kids

And after like ten minutes they reached tae’s university and tae hurriedly come out from the car

Tae:thanks for the ride jungkook and enjoy your shopping bye(left from there to his university)

JK:now shall we go(asked taehee)

Taehee:yeah let’s go(still she was looking at taehyung who just entered his university)

And than they both also left from there

Somewhere Else

???2:boss jungkook dropped his finance’s brother in his university

???:kidnap him after he comes out

???1:ok boss


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