"Alright warriors... Let's enjoy our nights...."


The People of Kansas all assembled before the temple as they prayed for us..

The seer gave us only a map...

She whispered in my ear saying "think only of the doom that may befall this land, if you don't make it out alive.."

Then with a final parting words, the high priestess said

"When it's time to take a decision.. Remember the words of the seer..."and I rolled my eyes....

Tigard and I decided to travel with 30 knights including Coco, making us a total of 32..

I carried my parrot along with me, I can't go to war without my trustable messenger and secret warrior..

Tema, my loyal parrot...

I embraced my father, brother, friend and mother before climbing unto my horse...

I did not look back as I rode away..

We traveled across the water.. By noon we crossed our boarders..

We rode towards the east and formed a camp in the middle of mount Taqre, few meters away from a small village known as Aqkda.. it shares boundaries with Toga, which is the frontier of the east region...

We sent ten men to haunt and gather woods...

We made a burning fire where we roasted our animals caught from the haunt..

After we finished eating, we heard strange chattering noises..

"Tema..."I called out for my bird. And he came..

"Go!!!"I commanded and he flew away..

"It seems like the village is being attack..."Coco stated..

"Let's wait for Tema to bring his report.."immediately Tema came back and whispered to my ear...

"They are celebrating a festival.."I announced and they sigh in relief...

"I think we should inspect the city, maybe we'll find any lead..."I suggested.

"We can't all go like this, it'll draw unnecessary attention..."Tigard stated...

"Six of us is enough... We'll go in disguise.."

"Kira, Teg, Coco, Pete, Wod and I will go into the city... The rest of you will take turns watching each other... If we are not back before midnight, come for us....."

"How do we identify the thugs...??"Pete asked...

"They all have a similar tattoo... It's like a circle and a cross... The cross came out of the circle"I explained drawing the symbol on the ground...

"Ask any artist about the design... I believe they took shelter here. Because he was injured, he couldn't have gone that far without treatment..."I muttered...

"Salaam..."We greeted each other before wearing our robe...

Wod and I team up as we went north wing... This place was crowded as people danced around enjoying their festival..

We searched around but found no lead... A white dove caught my attention and I walked towards it...

"Oheda!!!"Wod and I greeted the trader in their language...

"Oheda"he replied...

"How much for her...??"I asked

"100 cowries... She a trained instrument.."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2023 ⏰

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