A visit in the prison

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Tw: guns, swearing, mention of dead people, stalking
Words: 843


The team arrives, Lou and Emily still sitting on the bed and holding hands. "Prentiss, what happened?" Hotch asks as he stands in front of the bed.
"We were sleeping, a loud knock woke us up and I went up to the door. I couldn't see something, suddenly Lou's phone was ringing and I accepted the call. The voice instantly told me to give Lou back her phone, I handed her the phone and looked out of the window calling you." Hotch looks at Lou, "He told me I did a mistake and I will soon see what he means. He hung up after that sentences." Hotch looks at Derek and Spencer, "Take them to the station, Garcia needs to find out where the call came from." They nod, Lou stands up looking at Emily. "I will be here, I'm not going anywhere," she says and holds Lou's hand tight.

They leave the apartment complex and enter the bau, "Lou, could I have your phone?" Spencer asks, she nods and hands him her phone. He left and goes to Garcia, "Could you check where the last call came from?" She nods.

Meanwhile Derek, Emily and Lou sit together at Emily's table. "And now?" Lou asks looking up to Hotchs office, he sits at his table and talks with someone.

Rossi stands with Hotch in the room, "What do you think about the situation?" Rossi asks, hotch shakes his head and looks out of the window, down to the team. "This feels weird, he is locked up over 6 months now. And we still don't know why he kidnapped her, we either don't know what his plan was." "We need to talk with him, she needs to talk with him." Rossi says while sitting down in front of Hotch.
"That's impossible and dangerous," "But what can he do? He is chained up and we will be there for her."
Hotch shakes his head again, "Hotch, we need to give it a try. We will be there for her, if she feels uncomfortable, we will get her out." Hotch looks mad up to Rossi, he nods in disagreement.

Meanwhile Emily, Spencer, Derek and Lou sit together and talk. "Where is the bathroom?" Lou asks and looks at Emily. "Follow me," she smiles and walks with Lou away, they get into the bathroom and lock the door behind them. "How are you?" Emily asks, Lou stares into the mirror, not listening to Emily. "Lou?" Emily asks again, still no reply. She touches her shoulder softly and Lou frightened looks up to Emily. "I'm sorry, I- I was thinking about something. What did you say?" Emily strokes Lou's shoulder and smiles softly. "Don't worry, I was asking how you are." "I'm okay, this situation feels weird and I don't know what to do next." Emily hugs her from behind and kisses her neck softly. "Emily," Lou says and looks at her trough the mirror. "Yes babe?" Emily asks, "I know you probably didn't hear it, but I was asking you something last night."

Emily strokes Lou's belly softly and kissss her neck again. "Yes," she says. "Yes what?" Lou asks while holding Emily's hands on her belly. "Yes, I want to be your girlfriend." Lou turns around, facing Emily with a smile. "You sure?" She smiles and asks. "Of course, you're my kinky girlfriend." "That has a weird stalker," Lou says and smiles, Emily holds her face tight and kisses her lips softly. The kiss goes more into a roughly fight to see who wins the Dominance.

After some hot and roughly kisses, they both leave the bathroom and go back to the team. Meanwhile hotch and Rossi came down to the team, they look in the direction of the bathroom and see how Emily and Lou leave it. "We waited for you," Derek says with a smile. He winks at Emily and nods proud, like a dad who sees his daughter getting older.

"Lou baker, we want you to visit Adam grey-," "No it's soo dangerous," Emily interrupts while holding Lou's hand tight. "Prentiss," Hotch says with his brows raised, "We will be there with her, we don't let her go in alone. She has to talk with him about everything, we still don't know why he kidnapped her or what his plan was. This moment is perfect for asking him." Emily looks up to Hotch and back to Lou.
Lou squeezes her hand and nods in agreement, "I will do it." "Good, Reid and Rossi will go with you. Prentiss and I will wait here for you."
"But Hotch-," Emily interrupts again, "Prentiss, you're too involved in this case. It's better when you stay here."
She rolls her eyes.

"Hotch," JJ shouted and left her office. She comes down to the team handing him a file, "Our stalker killed again." The team looks around and back to Hotch who reads trough the file. "Again a lesbian couple, but this time, they are brunette and blonde..."

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