
87 1 0

Tw: mention of dead, rape, Suicide, sexual assault
Words: 703

The team tries to get every information about the man and the victims. Penelope calls, "Guys, I found the man. He is 30, he went for 10 years into the jail for raping a blonde girl. The girls name is Sasha, she was his girlfriend but she broke up with him after finding out she is gay. He didn't want her to leave and raped her. She committed a few weeks after he got locked up. He made friends in the jail, 2 to be precise. They all got locked up for sexual assault on girls." "He found his perfect group of friends," Rossi says with a mad face. "I got his name and address, I will send it to you." "Good Job Sugar," Derek says. "Penelope, could you find information about his friends? Maybe he is with them in this moment."
Penelope nods and hangs up.

"Prentiss, have you found something?" Hotch asks while Emily walks up to the team. She shakes her head, "I inspected every little detail in her apartment, nothing." Hotch nods, "Get yourself ready, we gonna drive to Adam greys house."
"Adam grey?," Emily asks confused, Derek informs her while the team makes them ways down to the cars.

They come up to Adam greys house, "Prentiss, Morgan, go to the back. JJ and Reid, go to the left side of the house. Rossi and I are going to the front."
The team nods and enters the house.

"Clear," comes out of every room. "He isn't here, the house is empty," Hotch says.
Penelope calls Derek, "Yes pen?"
"I found something, near the city is an empty factory, she belonged to the parents of one of the boys. They had to close it because of money poverty. I sent you the address."

The team runs into the car and drives as fast as they can to the factory.

Lou bakers POV:
"Why do I have to say something like that? I don't know what happened to you to have this kind of opinion about other people. Why should they burn in hell? What happened to you?"
I look down on the floor, the tall man stops smiling and touches softly my face. "It's none of your business. You shouldn't care about my opinion or life."
He grabs my throat with a strong hold, I gasp for air.
"How can a pretty thing like you be so annoying? You should really get some normal sex to be more obedient. I can give you what you want, but first we need to bleach your hair, I like blondes more."
His other hand touches my waist and gets higher. He touches my hair and I try to push him away, his hand on my throat gets tighter. "I will show you how to be treated properly, I can still your desires."
His hand moves from my waist to my breasts-

"HANDS UP, LET HER GO!" A person shouts through the room, the man turns around while Lous throat is still in his hand.
Lou sees the FBI agents slowly enter the room with their guns armed.
"LET HER GO," hotch shouts again.
Emily and Derek got the other two men, they try to shoot at both but the agents were faster. "They're dead," Emily says while touching both necks.
"LET HER GO OR I WILL SHOOT," Hotch shouts a third time. Emily and Derek walk right to the shouting, they see how Lou is holding by the man.
His hand on her throat gets tighter, her face is already blue. A disgusting smile lays on his face, his grip in both his hands gets tighter and tighter. Lou looks disgusted.

Emily aims on his right foot and shoots, a loud scream comes out of his mouth and he lets her go. She immediately sinks to the floor, Hotch and Derek run to the man and arrest him, Emily runs to Lou. "Are you okay?" Lou looks up, his hands made a  print on her neck and throat. "Give me a second," she says and holds Emilys shoulder. Emily helps her get up and out of the building. An ambulance takes her to a hospital.

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