First meeting

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Welcome to my first ff.
This book is made out of my mind and criminal minds ;)
I rly try to get the crimes in there too, but they are not gonna be too detailed

I hope you have fun ^^

Tw: guns, dead people
Words: 667

The team sits in the round table room and looks at the big monitor on the wall, Hotch stands in front. He shows different pictures of dead people while
Emily, JJ, Spencer, Derek and Rossi look trough the file. "Five dead bodies were found in California, all of them are Woman. They're all blonde and ages between 20-30 years." Spencer looks up, "Are there any related information about the women?" Hotch looks around the team and shakes his head. "No, but Penelope will find something."
Suddenly Penelope runs trough the door into the room, "Two more bodies were found," she says while looking at Hotch. "Blonde women?" Emily asks. Penelope nods.

"Wheels up in 20", Hotch says and walks out of the room. The team follows, Emily, JJ, Derek, Reid and Rossi get their to-go bag.

The team sits in the plane, "Prentiss and Morgan, you go to the latest bodies and look around if you find something. Reid and JJ, you both go to the police station and get more information about the families and friends of the 7 dead women. Rossi and I are going to the first Crime scenes." Hotch says and looks out of the window.

The team splits and goes to their different locations.
Emily and Derek arrived at the hotel, where the two woman were found. The police talks to a tall girl in black skinny jeans and a white top. Her hair is brown and curly, it covers her face. They both walk to the officer and the woman.
"Hello, this is Agent Derek Morgan and I am Agent Emily Prentiss, we are from the FBI".
The brown haired woman looks up to both agents and slightly smiles, she hands her hand to Emily. "Hi, I am Lou baker," Emily shakes her hand.
"Did you know one of the dead women?" Derek asks while looking into the room, "Yeah, they both were my friends." Derek walks into the room, "Were they related?" Emily asks, "Uhm kind of, they both were a couple." The brown haired woman looks at Emily with a light embarrassed smile, Emily and Morgan exchanging looks. "Can u tell me if they had any problems or enemies?" Lou looks around and at the dead bodies, "Uhm no, I don't think so. They were the kindest people on earth and had no problems with anyone or anything." Emily looks around, ,,Do you know why they went into this hotel?" ,,They come here to be alone. They both live with their families but they are homophobic. They met every Weekend here in this hotel to be alone and have some fun..."
Lou looks back to Emily and Derek, "Thank you for answering my questions and sorry for your loss." Emily shakes Lous hand and touches lightly her shoulder. Lou looks up to both of them and nods.

Back at the police station Emily and Derek informed Hotch, JJ, Spence and Rossi about the last two women and what they have found in the room.
Penelope calls Derek, "What's up babygirl, what have you found sugar." Derek smiles, "Uh my chocolate cake, the two last dead women lived with their parents, they went every weekend to the same hotel and the same room. They paid with card and the room was reserved for Ashley tommson, she is the taller one." Emily nods, "That's what Lou baker said", "Penelope, you are perfect." Derek says and puts the phone down. "Prentiss and Morgan, go back to the hotel and ask if they saw another person going with the two women. Ask if one came afterwards or came back out of the rooms. Look for people that could have seen them go into the room."

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