
115 1 0

Tw: Guns, swearing, alcohol
Words: 795

"Prentiss, you're gonna stay with Lou. Reid and Morgan, you both go to this group and try to find informations about enemies or hate crimes against the group. JJ, tell the news about our killer. Tell them what we got. And tell all officers we got a profile." Hotch raises his brows and the team makes their ways to the front of the whole station.
"Our killer is a man between 20-30 years, he is homophobic and kills only the gay women. Maybe he had a girlfriend that broke up with him because she was gay, maybe his mother was gay and he couldn't accept it. He kills the lesbians with blonde hair. They remind him of maybe his Ex or his mother."
After the profile, the team goes back to work and Emily leaves the big room.

Emily opens the door of the room, where Lou still sits and watches the letter.
"Lou, I'm gonna stay with you for some time to get you save." Lou looks up to Emily and nods. "My apartment isn't far away from here."
Both make them ways up to Lous apartment complex, she takes out her keys and opens her apartment door. ,,Home Sweet Home," she says while walking into the kitchen.
Emily looks around and closes the door, she locks it.

The apartment is big, on the left side of the front door is the bathroom. It got a shower and a bathtub, next to the shower is the sink with a big Mirror.
On the right side of the door is the living room, it's connected with the kitchen.
Her bedroom is hidden behind the kitchen, you have to go trough the kitchen to get into the bedroom.
"You've got a really cool apartment," Emily says while walking up and down.

"You want a drink?" Lou looks at Emily with a glass of wine in her hand. "I don't drink while I'm at work, but I will take a glass of water." Lou turns around and takes a glass of water, she hands it to Emily.
"Thanks," she smiles at Lou and watches her carefully. She is pretty. How did I not notice this the whole time?
Lou sits down at the table in the living room, "And now? We gonna wait till someone tries to get me?" She laughs ironically while drinking the wine.
"Tell me more about the letter, what did the person mean with, I know you and who you are."
Lou looks out of the open window, "A group, my friends were a part of this. Sometimes they mentioned it how helpful it is to talk to persons that are the same as you or how cool it is, to be in a group where people help other people to come out of the closet.
They told me to come with them, for once, it would help me they said. I didn't believe them but still went with them to a meeting. I don't like being around with too much people and in this situation I just wanted to scream."

Emily looks up, "Why's that?"
Lou looks to her, "I know who I am and I feel good how I am. But this, this group made me want to throw up. I am not against lesbians, gays, etc but they talked about how to murder the straight people or how to make them feel like shit for being what they are. I was horrified of what they talked about. I left after a few minutes."
Emilys brows raising while listening to Lous story.
"I don't like to say, I am a lesbian, to everyone. Cause it's none of anyones business. But fuck, when I heard them talking about hurting straight people, I wanted to be straight and not a part of this group. I don't like it when people are saying stuff like that."
She sips the rest of her wine and goes up to the bottle to fill in more, Emily shakes her head.
"I can understand you, I don't like to talk about my sexuality as well. I was raised by a homophobic mother-." A loud knock on the door interrupts the conversation. Emily takes her gun and holds one finger on her lip to show Lou to be quiet. "Have you called someone?" Emily asks, Lou shakes her head and stays quiet in the kitchen. Emily slowly walks up to the door.

Again a loud knocking, Emily unlocks the door and opens it slowly. A tall man knocked her out with a baseball bat, she lands on the floor.
Lou didn't hear how Emily landed on the floor and walks to her, she sees the man and he knocks her out too.

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