Masquerade suite (Childe x Female Reader)

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Defeating your enemy makes you a hero. Losing to your enemy makes you a victim. Daning with your enemy? That makes you his dance partner



Heavy breathing. 

The cold filled up my lungs and drips of blood fell off my sword. I glared at my opponent as his ginger hair relfected the moonlight. 

"Well m'lady, shall we continue? It'd be a shame to stop now after all that damage you did to me." His usual flirtatous voice speaking. 

I took a deep breath with a sigh following behind it. I stood up straight looking at my blade. The moon was relfected off the clean parts as some blood was still dripping off.

"You know, the moon is beautiful tonight." 

I looked up at the moon then back to him, except he wasn't staring at the moon. He was staring at me. A small grin was on his face as he looked at me in a playful manner. 

The ginger man then looked at his wrist watch. "Oh my will you look at the time. I'd love to continue this battle m'lady but unfortunately I need to make dinner for my younger siblings. We can continue this next Saturday, at midnight. Go to the Frozen Palace and say 'Commedia Dell'arte.'"

I look at him with a confused expression on my face. "Why do you always reschedule our duels. Scared you can't actually beat me?"

"That's a good question.. You'll have to beat me in a duel to the death in order to find out then."

I small 'tsk' left my mouth. "Whatever you say.."

"Oh and there's a dress code."

"Dress code..?"

"Yeah, for next Saturday. Come in your most formal dress you have and bring your most secrative weapons. Can't walk in with a sword now can you?"

I started to think about what he was talking about. I thought this is supposed to be a duel not some dance. I looked back at him as he let out a small chuckle over my confused face.

"Try not to think so hard about it m'lady, you'll end up getting wrinkles."

I rolled my eyes at him and did one last motion to get most of the blood off my sword before putting it in my sheath. 

"Oh and bring a mask. Perferably one that covers your eyes."

"If I end up going, do you promise not to back out of the duel?"

"Promise. Well m'lady, I better get going before my sibings wreck havoc on the city. Until next time." 

He did a small bow someone would do before a dance and slid into the empty forest.

I sighed and walked back towards my small home. I thought about what he said. "Oh and bring a mask." What did he mean? I hope it isn't anything I'll regret too much. When I arrived back to my small house I went towards my closet in search of any nice dresses. I had a few but one really stuck out to me. An off the shoulders red dress with a small cut on the of sides to reveal the leg. I found a pair of some black heels. I looked around my place for some weapons that I could possibly hide. I then found a leg strap to hold some weapons in place. This will be good. I grabbed a small blade and put it into one of the place holders on the strap. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw how elegant I looked. Now I just needed a mask. I took everything off and changed into much comfortable clothing and headed out towards my sister's place.

Once I arrived I knocked a few times. When she didn't answer I did our special knock we created.

"What do you want Y/N."

Fatui Harbinger one shots!  !!DISCONTINUED!!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon