Recruiting the Fatui (Arlecchino x Reader)

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Part 2

Artist^ @/belganbarr (Twitter)


Y/N finally got recruited by their dream harbinger. But was this really a dream?


I'm starting to question if this really was my dream. I don't even know if I should be worried about what she said using my body.

"Oh and you have a mission tomorrow. I'll send you the details later tonight. Be ready."

A mission can't be that bad. I beat the overstuffed teddy bear after all, what can be worse than that?

Oh boy was I wrong..

The mission was all the way in Inazuma and the boat ride there was terrible. Sea sickness is something you hope you don't have.. Our mission was to defeat the Thundering Manifestation, whatever that is. Arlecchino was watching us complete this mission to see how well we can do under pressure. It's basically a life or death situation, but isn't that everything in the Fatui? Once we got to the selected spot for this fight, we all got into our positions. Arlecchino said something of me being in front to see how well I can control the team.

We were all nervous, it was visible in a few. The ground was shaking with most of us losing our balance. Suddenly a big electro flying fish appeared staring down on all of us. My flight or fight response was kicking in. I wanted to fight but at the same time I wanted to run and defend myself. I can't run and defend though. I don't have the right weapons to do so not to mention Arlecchino was watching us. This is going to be tough.

"Everyone get into position five! Catalyst and bow users in the back! When I say go claymore users activate your shields and a healer come over to heal! Ready... Go!"

Stay calm Y/N. I got this. I told everyone to get into position five with a healer and shields. All we have to do is damage it and do a finishing blow or something. Just breathe in and out. I got this. We got this. We all do.

We had a healer come up and stay behind the shields. Catalyst users and bow users were trying their hardest to hit their shots. Most of them actually did hit. We just have to find to find out the weak point. Looking at the thing it would look like its the giant eye. I ran back to the catalyst and bow users and told them to aim at the eye. Some agreed some gave disgusted "I already know that" looks and some didn't even hear me. This is going to be a long fight..

"You get over here and shield me. I'm going in and try to damage it."


I got a shield. Hopefully it can last quite a while because this thing is sending out attack after attack. I dodged as quickly as I can but still got hit. Luckily the shield protected me but I don't think it can last much longer. I unleashed my pyro attack and dealt some damage to it before it could attack again. Just how much health does this stupid fish have? I saw it was getting ready to attack again. This wouldn't be an issue but if I dodged the attack it will get the rest of the team. This isn't good. I looked back at the shielder's and they all looked down or away. Shit. They didn't have their shields. Okay.. The attack shouldn't hurt that much, right? I was able to withstand the overstuffed teddy bear I think I have this in the bag..

"What are you doing Y/N? Move out of the way!"

"No can do Arlecchino. If I move then the attack will hit everyone else." I was running out of time. Any second now the fish will attack and I can either choose to save myself and injure or worse to everyone else. Or I can save their lives and sacrifice mine. Either way something is going to happen. Something bad..

Fatui Harbinger one shots!  !!DISCONTINUED!!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat