Update? No update? Idk

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Okok so I was a little confused on what to put for the title so uh ya.. But as you could probably see I haven't updated in like a month. Deepest apologizes (┬┬﹏┬┬)
Besides school and stuff my life actually isn't busy(for the most part at least). I just cant think of anything for creator of me part 2. Though I have the option to start writing my other I feel like I am betraying to those I said I would make a part 2 for. 
Im trying to make up for what I missed and in the meantime, I ask you all to keep waiting patiently. 

I dont know if there is going to be a creator of me part 2 but we'll see ig. I'll try working on writing this week and next week. Again deepest apologizes for those who are looking forward to creator of me o(TヘTo)

I would also like to say one more thing.
15k reads!??! Thats amazing :D
I never thought my book would be so popular among fans of the fatui harbingers (who is to blame though? they are rlly hot)
Welcome my newest readers :)

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