I sighed and leaned back in my chair. Ever since Danny told me he loves me, I've been panicking and becoming more self conscious about myself.

Sometimes, I'll worry if I truly am being a good boyfriend. If I'm doing something right or if I'm fucking up. I've spent hours reading articles and watching rom coms to see how people act when they're in love.

Because in the end, I want to be the best boyfriend I can be for Danny.

Every morning, I make sure flowers are delivered to his dorm. I'm also planning on setting him up in my bank account. Giving him unlimited access to my money so he can spoil himself. And taking him on dates.

But currently, I have this thorn on my side that I feel like it might grow. It was brought to my attention that a lackey had stolen a personal file and some money and took off with them. I just thought it was a hustler for dad who needed those things, but dad never ordered those files.

It took a few days, but the guy, Jordan, was caught trying to leave New York. We had him... shaken up a bit... and asked him about the file and money. And who had ordered their retrieval.

I have my suspicions on who it was.

My phone rang. I checked and it was dad.

"Dad." I said.

"Anything?" He asked.

"Nothing. But I think I have an idea." I said.

"Who are your suspects?" Dad asked.

"Possibly the Lombardis. They've been a real pest recently. They're probably trying to get some leeway." I said.

"And the boy? Do we tell him or keep him in the dark?" Dad asked. I bit my nail and looked at myself in the rearview mirror. Blood stained my forehead. I looked like a maniac.

"Keep him in the dark. I promised to protect him. This is the only way. Get some more security to follow him. Have them stationed around him at all times."

"Understood. Come home when you can. We need to discuss my birthday." I could hear the slight happiness in his voice.

"On my way." I said. I hung up the phone and resumed cleaning myself.

What I didn't mention was that the file Jordan had stolen and given to a third party was everything about Danny. His address, his family, phone number, peanut allergy, everything. It was clearly taken with the intention to gather something on him.

I facepalmed myself. How could I be so stupid? Of course Danny would become a target the moment he started dating me. His life is in danger and at any chance, he could be taken away from me.

I refuse to allow the one good thing in my life to be taken away.

The ride home, I thought about what I need to do to protect Danny. While also not panicking him and him eventually leaving me.

Once I reached my apartment, dad was watching TV on the couch.

"Lucy!" Dad called. I sat in the recliner and crossed a leg over the other. Dad looked at my face and I think he spotted some blood. "Oof! Guess he wasn't much help." Dad chuckled.

"Nothing. What about your birthday?" I asked.

Dad gave me a mischievous smile. He has something big coming up.

"I didn't want to spend my birthday this year in a boring way. So..." He added theatrics.

"Dad, just say it." I told him.

"We're going to Rome!" He cheered.

"Cool." I said and turned back to the TV.

"Lucy!" Dad whined. "Can't you be more excited. Your cousins miss you."

Vittori ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora