Look! Is That a Flying Tsukasa I See?

Start from the beginning

"Yeah?" Tsukasa's eyes widened. "Don't tell me you figured out a way to actually make me float."

"I did~!"

"Ugh, okay. I'll try it out."

Rui grabbed Tsukasa's hands in his. "You'd really do that? For me?"

Tsukasa frowned. "Mhm."

"Oh wow, Tsukasa! You really are the bestest friend a guy could have!" He grinned and pulled Tsukasa along, running toward the stage.

Emu and Nene were sitting on the edge, talking. Emu was swinging her legs, slamming into the stage with her feet, but it didn't seem to faze her.

Annabeth and Percy followed, having to run at a surprisingly quick pace to keep up.

"HI GUYS!!" Emu screamed, jumping off the stage and running up to them. They began to talk, Nene joining the conversation once she had finished walking up to them.

Tsukasa stood on the stage, staring at Rui skeptically as he tied some suspiciously simple knots on the side of the stage.

"Okay, Tsukasa, lift your arms."

"Wha- why?"

"Oh it's just this thing you have to put on for it to work." He held up what looked to Tsukasa to be one of those chest pieces you put on when playing laser tag.

"Okay." Tsukasa put his arms out and Rui fastened the metal plate to his chest.

"And these bracelets." Rui handed over two metal circles. "And these anklets." More metal circles. Tsukasa put them on.

Rui stood back to admire his work. "Okay. So theoretically this should work."


"Yup. Now hold my hand in case it's so strong that you go through the ceiling."

"What did I agree to?!"

"I don't know. Let's find out!" Rui slapped a button on Tsukasa's chest, and all the pieces began to whir.

"Rui...." Tsukasa looked at him in utter fear. Rui just smiled back.

Tsukasa's feet started to lift off the stage. He squeezed Rui's hand as hard as he could. "RUI! PLEASE TELL ME I CAN GET DOWN SAFELY!!"

"You can get down safely.... Theoretically."

"WOAH!! Tsukasa, you're flying!!" Emu ran up to the stage and began jumping up and down.

Rui frowned. "You don't have to hold my hand so hard. 99.9% of the time, my theories are correct."


Tsukasa was now practically upside down, holding on to Rui's hand for dear life. "GET ME DOWN!!"

"Okay, fine." Rui reached up and pushed a different button on Tsukasa's chest, and he was slowly lowered to the ground as the pieces stopped whirring.

"That was horrible!"

"Should we put it in the show?"

"No, of course not!"

Emu jumped onto the stage. "YES WE SHOULD PUT IT IN THE SHOW!!"

"I agree." Said Nene.

Percy smiled brightly. "Of course it should be in the show! That was so cool!"

Annabeth grabbed Percy's hand. "I second that." She sang.

Tsukasa glared at them in betrayal.

"Guess it's in the show then." Rui smiled and ripped Tsukasa's hand off his, which Tsukasa hadn't even noticed was still glued to Rui's hand.

"Dammit." muttered Tsukasa.

Rui gasped. "Did you just say a bad word?"

"No? Gah! Stop it, Rui! Just because I don't like cussing don't mean I won't do it every once in a while!"

"Okay! Calm down."

Tsukasa ripped off the bracelets and anklets, and tried to rip off the chest piece, but failed.

"Do you want me to get that for you?"

Tsukasa sighed. "Yes."

Rui helped Tsukasa out of the chest piece, giggling the whole time.

"Okay, seriously. What's so funny?"

"Your face! You were so scared! And now you have to do it for a show! Hah! That's what you get for agreeing to something when you don't know what it is."

"But I can trust you."

Rui just started laughing and walked backstage to grab something.

"He's so weird."

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