Chapter 20: Interception

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Yuri's pov

'Where is she?' Lily thought, looking though the empty room. It was getting out of hand even for her. She was having fun, but would eventually snap herself if this were to be dragged on. It was as if a string was under immense pressure at this point. The tension was almost palpable, and made the situation not so comfortable. She left the room again and looked down the hallway.

Unexpectedly she had killed yet another student, which was why she was here, but she walked away in search of the club president. Unfortunately, Monika was not in the club and had probably slipped out. 'The benefits of getting a warning I guess' Lily thought. Although this made it harder for her to find Monika. 

She sighed and looked down at Yuri's knife in her hand, with a pretty design on top of her ocean blue switchblade. There were a few pink and purple flowers etched into the handle, and the green stems were like vines that wandered across hilt. Although there was blood down the blade the details were left untouched by the river that dripped down to the floor.

Just as she was about to step into the next room, Lily caught a glimpse of blonde before she was tackled from the side. Hitting the floor caused her to lose her grip of the knife and it slid further down the hallway loudly. "What the hell Yuri? Why are you bloody?" Elyssa asked at Lily's side. The bloody girl ignored her and tried to stand up and tried to grab the knife, but instead met the floor once again due to Elyssa grabbing her leg. 

"God Yuri! I told you cutting yourself wouldn't stop this!" Elyssa hissed as she scrambled up to grab the knife. Lily huffed before standing up and glaring at the girl now in the possession of Yuri's knife. "I..." Elyssa started before she thought of something. She sprang for the window and frantically tried opening it. Lily watched Unamused as the blonde struggled to open the window. 

"God damn it! Fuck this!" Elyssa said frustrated. She was a little red from anger and embarrassment. She retracted she blade and slid it in her pocket. "Yuri, who the hell did you kill?" Elyssa asked. Lily took a step forward, which caused Elyssa to step back out of instinct. "Which time?" Lily asked coldly. Elyssa furrowed her eyebrows at her response before asking another question. "How long have you been killing?!" She asked, but she didn't even let Lily respond.

"Fuck you Yuri! You kept it a secret from me? I had that old ass man barge into my house and demand I leave again! He didn't even tell me why!" Elyssa yelled. "The least you could've done is tell me that this-" she was interrupted by the only other person in the hall. "She doesn't know" Lily said.

"What? That doesn't make any sense. What do you mean?" Elyssa asked. "It looks like she isn't the only one not communicating. I have already told Natsuki all I am willing to say to any of you. I don't feel like repeating myself right now. I was busy before you decided to tackle me" Lily huffed and held her hand out calmly. "Knife" was all she said.

"No, I'm not giving it back" Elyssa said with a frown. "It's not mine. I'm indifferent to whether I have it or not" Lily said walking to the next room and looking in. "What war you looking for? And who's knife is this!?" Elyssa asked from Lily's side."Monika, and it's Yuri's. She might have some kind of emotional attachment to that thing, but I couldn't care less about it" Lily said turning to Elyssa.

Although Elyssa found this conversation to be extremely frustrating, she knew there was an extremely limited amount of time before they cleared the building up and wanted them back.  She hadn't really thought about how it was affecting Yuri. She was probably filled with anxiety knowing her.

Elyssa sighed before speaking up. "Monika went home early today Yuri" She said calmly.


"When is she coming back?" Natsuki asked, a bit irritated. "I'm sure they will both come back soon! Not just Elyssa!" Sayori said confidently. "Yeah, but Yuri never showed up today. How do you even know she's still here?" Natsuki asked before she stuck a sucker in her mouth. "I'm sure Yuri just got distracted. Otherwise she would have told us that she wouldn't be here" Sayori said a little less confident. 

They both sat in silence for awhile before Natsuki spoke again. "Want one?" Natsuki asked holding a sucker out for Sayori. "Thanks!" Sayori said taking the sweet out of Natsuki's hand. The door opened suddenly to reveal Elyssa and Yuri both. "You're late" Natsuki said as Sayori bear hugged Yuri. "lighten up Natsuki! She was just reading in another classroom. I didn't think you would care that much about where Yuri is" Elyssa smirked.

"I don't. I just wish she would show up on time if she expects to show up at all" Natsuki said standing up and walked over to the group. "Well, I'm glad you showed up" MC said as he walked up. "I don't think there is enough time to share poems now , but you could read for a few minutes" Sayori said before Natsuki could make a remark she knew was coming.

Instead of continuing, Natsuki decided to just ignore him and went back to reading her manga. Her good manga mind you. At least she had that over MC.

Inspiration piece #4!

Thank you for1.1k!

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