Chapter 15: Breaking Point

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Yuri's pov

"Ugh! How do you keep beating all three of us!?" Natsuki asked in frustration. She glared at Elyssa and Monika, obviously irritated that neither had played Mario kart before. Elyssa shrugged, not quite sure what she was supposed to say, and Monika acted like she couldn't see Natsuki's face.

"Because I'm just that good!" Sayori said before laughing. "Wanna race again?" Sayori asked in a teasing tone, knowing Natsuki would deny. She was well beat at this point with a 10-0 score, and Sayori knew she wouldn't take another loss.

"Nah, I'm going to go make those cupcakes" Natsuki replied before getting up, still irritated. "Hey Yuri, could you go help her? A lot of the stuff is kinda high up, and I'm going to try to teach these two how to play a little better" Sayori said, looking over to Yuri. She was reading something on the couch, on the opposite side of where Natsuki had sat, and the other three girls were sitting on the rug in front of the T.V.

"Sure" Yuri said before closing her book and walking into the kitchen. Natsuki was already struggling to grab a mixing bowl from the top shelf of a cabinet. Yuri walked over to Natsuki and grabbed the bowl for her. "Uh... Thanks I guess. I didn't even hear you come in" Natsuki said before walking over to the pantry. 

"No problem. What are you making?" Yuri asked, leaning against the counter. "Cupcakes. Do you just block out all sound when you read?" Natsuki asked setting the flower and sugar next to the bowl. "I have selective hearing, so it comes naturally" Yuri said as she watched Natsuki move around the kitchen.

Yuri stood in silence, listening to Sayori explain how to play the game. "Hey Yuri?" Could you come over here? " Natsuki asked, not looking away from the bowl in her hands. She had her back facing Yuri, and wouldn't turn to look at her. "Sure, what do you need?" Yuri asked, walking closer to Natsuki. "Oh, I just need you to know..." She said before learning towards Yuri. "...That I hate you"

"W-what?" Yuri asked, stepping back. "I. HATE. YOU. If you ask the other members I bet they will say the same" Natsuki said and pushed Yuri into the living room. Yuri turned towards the living room, only to see Sayori alone sitting in a desk in the club room.

"Why weren't you there for me? I needed you..." Sayori said as she stood up and looked at Yuri. "I was there for you" she said with tears streaming down her face. "Sayori I-" Yuri tried to comfort Sayori. "But you couldn't handle it" she said walking out the club room door. Yuri opened the door and walked into Sayori's room.

"I really needed you Yuri" Sayori choked as she scratched the noose around her neck causing her hands to become bloody. Yuri frantically checked her pockets looking for her knife before realizing she had left it at her house. 'Go get a kitchen knife!' Was the sole thing on her mind. She opened Sayori's door and almost ran into a fence.

Elyssa was on the other side, with her hands tied behind a chair and her eyes covered with cloth. "I should have known you were too stupid to help. I wouldn't be at death's door if I didn't associate with you." She said calmly. "I didn't want-" Yuri was cut off by the sound of a gun going off. 

As Yuri stood there with tears streaming down her face, everything faded to a darkened hallway. "%f ¢0u√$€ ¥°u @r£ th€ √e@$on h£ d€|£tEs me" Monika growled walking closer. "✓ot iπ h£// ¥u√i" she said as she walked closer, her body was distorted and jumbled. 


"Yuri, are you okay?" Natsuki asked as she waved her hand in front of Yuri's face. "I asked you to grab me another bowl and you spaced out for a minute" she said, watching Yuri's eyes come back into focus. "I'm fine Natsuki. After all, I get to see your face again" Lily said, amused at Natsuki's shocked face. "What's that supposed to mean? And where is Yuri?" Natsuki asked after a second.

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