Chapter 3: discussion

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Yuri's pov

"So for the festival I was thinking about making fliers and posters for advertisement" Monika said after telling us that we would be sharing poems with everyone who shows up to watch. This made Yuri uneasy because she could barely share with her club mates. "I could help decorate the posters!" Sayori squeaked out of excitement. "I was also thinking that Natsuki could bake cupcakes for it" Monika looked to Natsuki for approval and she gave a thumbs up.

"The only thing left would be decorating the room" Monika was quiet for a minute, possibly pondering who would be the most capable out of the two. "MC you do crafts right? You should probably do it then" Yuri didn't exactly know how to feel about not having a job to help. "Since Sayo is helping me Yuri could help one of you" Monika suggested. She felt like she would be useless either way, but MC said she could help him. Natsuki looked like she wanted to protest, but said nothing.

They had shared poems as soon as everyone was there, so they had the rest of club to do anything. Sayori was chatting with Monika and Natsuki was heading to the closet. MC had sat down next to Yuri, and was ready to read. Yuri glanced at him every few minutes to see the confused look on his face, and she didn't understand why he was confused because this book was easy to understand in her opinion. She was just happy someone was reading with her.

"S-so what supplies should I bring?" Yuri asked "For what I'm thinking just some paint" MC said looking at Yuri before looking back to the book. "I'm thinking like a banner and maybe some ribbons around the room" MC's attention was divided between the girl and the book. He could care less about the book, but wanted to make the girl happy. "The banner design will be from dawn to dusk with 'welcome to the literature club' written across it in purple" Yuri thought the idea was great. Better than anything she could come up with.

"We should probably exchange numbers" MC said as he handed Yuri his phone. Yuri only had a few other numbers saved to her phone. Her parents for obvious reasons, as well as Monika's and Sayori's.  She had memorized her number so she didn't have to pull out her phone.

Walking home had always proved a challenge for Yuri. Oftentimes what she was reading would get slapped out of her hands, but today she was texting MC about the time she should get there. "Who are you talking to?" the blonde said slapping the phone to the ground. "O-oh Jane... just a f-friend" Yuri bent down to pick up her phone just then Jane stomped on it, almost crushing Yuri's fingers in the process. This caused Yuri to jump back "Hey! I asked who you were talking to, not your relationship with them!" Jane picked the phone up off the concrete.

"Um.... his n-name is Michael" Yuri said as Jane was assessing the damage of the phone "Well, we can't have you talking to boys. Right?" She said looking to Yuri with a menacing glare "Y-yes, but t-this is for a p-project" Yuri shifted her weight waiting to get her phone back. She knew it probably didn't work anymore, but if it did Jane would change that. "Right, but just to be sure..." she had started tossing her phone in the air and catching it before throwing it into a bench. Unfortunately, the phone hit screen first with a loud crack.

"Stop talking to him, or we'll do what we did last time" Jane said walking away. Now terrified, Yuri grabbed her phone and ran home. In her room there was a crimson box at the top of her closet, Yuri dropped her phone on the desk and made a beeline for it. She gently placed the box on the floor and unlocked it. Inside there was a sticky note she had placed from the last time she called her. 

She threw the note out and grabbed one of her favorite knives. The blue blade of the knife was mesmerizing to Yuri, but she thought a little red made it even better. She took the knife in her dominant hand and started cutting into her right arm making another line on the perfectly straight row of other recent cuts. The red waterfall that streamed from her cut encaptured Yuri in its beauty, causing her to forget about the encounter with Jane if only for a moment.

She knew that she should've called, but with her phone broken no one could stop her fear from taking hold. She would need her phone repaired, but they would ask her what happened to it. Yuri would just have to tell her the situation on Monday, hopefully she will understand. She walked to her bathroom down the hall to clean her knife in the sink. With her knife cleaned and the box placed in the closet, she started doing her homework.

 She was good at all her classes, but math was sometimes hard. Though she wouldn't ask for help because she was supposed to be smart. If she didn't know how to answer a problem she would just look up how to solve it. Science was always easy for her, and so was History. 

Afterwards she thought about doing her poem for Monday, bit decided to go with a poem she had made not to long ago. Looking over at her phone at the other end of the desk, she picked it up. The screen protector was broken with the screen underneath. Not wanting to discuss the event with a stranger, she decided to eventually buy a new one. The sticky note she had thrown was on the floor, almost taunting Yuri. She walked over crumbling it up as she threw it away. She didn't want to know what she had wrote down to stop herself, considering that it didn't work.

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