Chapter2: Candy

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Natsuki's pov

Natsuki put another m&m in her mouth when the teacher turned their back to the class. Staring at the clock waiting for the bell to ring, not paying attention to what the teacher is saying. Luckily it's something they've been going over for the past week. Finally the bell rings and she runs towards the literature club and slows down right before the turn into the hallway where the literature club is located because she doesn't want it to look like she has been waiting for this all day. 

She casually walks in to see Sayori and MC talking together, no one else is there so she greats the two and walks into the closet and grabs her manga of the shelf. Monika arrives but Yuri still isn't here. This peaks Natsuki's curiosity because she is usually the first one here. "Hey Monika, where's Yuri?" Natsuki asked as she walked up to the  group of members. " I don't know, do any of you have class with her?" Monika asked, looking at MC, she seemed more focused on him even with a club member missing.

Just then Yuri walked in figeting with her hair. "Well there she is, you can calm down now Natsuki" Monika said jokingly, though Natsuki ignored her. Yuri seemed upset, and even though she doesn't talk a lot she didn't even greet the group as she sat down pulling out a thick book and started reading. Natsuki decided to ask her about it during the time they had to share poems.

MC decided to read with Yuri, making in her opinion the worst mistake ever since the book Yuri was reading was about philosophy. She had told the rest of the club she would be trying something new, and that her next book was about philosophy. Though she said nothing else about said book. MC was making confused faces and they were only on the first page.

Natsuki went back to reading her manga until it was poem time. She was about to talk with Yuri when the basic boy got to her first, and she seemed surprised by his sudden liking to her. This irritated Natsuki because she wanted to talk to her about yesterday, and ask her if she was feeling okay. So she decided to share with Sayori instead. 

"hey Natsuki, what's up?" Sayori asked while handing her poem over. "Nothing much" Natsuki looked over Sayori's poem. Her poems were somewhat bittersweet and usually open ended, and this one was about a sunset and the fleeting moments before the sun is gone. "Your poem was good, but I think it should have been longer" Natsuki stated handing the poem back. "I think your poem was great Natsuki!" The bubbly girl said taking her poem.

Natsuki looked around to see that everyone was already sharing poems with one another. She had to wait awkwardly for someone to finish so she could share. Looking down on her poem, she felt this one was especially rushed compared to the others. She had forgotten all evening about it so she had to do it right before bed.  The poem was about giving everything a try at least once. Natsuki found it ironic since she fought with Yuri about everything because she didn't want to try her writing style or read her books.

Eventually Sayori and MC finished and MC walked up to Natsuki. "Get lost" Natsuki growled, still irritated with MC. Her reason was more towards knowing he was just talking to Yuri because of her looks, and less towards him sharing with her first. Even a blind person could see his motives. The fact that he doesn't even try with his poems makes it even more obvious that he only joined because of the cute girls. Who just puts random words on a paper and calls it good? Just thinking about it made Natsuki's blood boil.

Finally Yuri was by herself, but as soon as she caught her eyes Yuri walked over to Sayori. Natsuki considered that Yuri was avoiding her, but she hadn't done anything recently to make her upset. Monika was the only other person she hadn't shared with. "Hey Monika, lets share poems" Natsuki just wanted to get this done so she could talk to Yuri. Monika just handed her poem over focusing on Natsuki's poem. Monika's poems never made sense to the short girl, and this one didn't either.The poem had ink stains all over it, and you could barely make out the words.








"Your poem was great Natsuki, but I need to go talk with MC" Monika said walking over to MC. Yuri couldn't avoid her any longer. "Hey Yuri, I want to share my poem with you" Natsuki said from across the room and started to walk to Yuri. "U-um... sure Natsuki " Yuri said shifting her weight uncomfortably handing the poem to Natsuki. Usually Natsuki read her poem over, but today she didn't want to start a fight so she just skimmed it over.

 "Are you feeling well Yuri?" Natsuki said looking up at her. "O-of course, I j-just did not..." Yuri was looking around, when she found what she was looking for she looked back to Natsuki. "I just di-did not sleep well" Natsuki was not convinced, Yuri just lied to her. "You can tell me what really happened, you know" Natsuki sat down in a desk next to Yuri. "W-well... yesterday an anonymous uh... number c-called to tell me how useless I-&(:$(;*€°¶√€®±%(!" @°{]" white noise rose over Yuri's voice as well as ringing.

"Are you feeling well Yuri?" Natsuki asked feeling like her mind had fogged. "Y-yes I just did not sleep well"  Yuri said confidently. "Okay, just thought I'd ask since yesterday..." Natsuki trailed off, not to sure what happened yesterday. "Sorry f-for scaring you" Yuri said looking to the floor. "No it's fine" Natsuki wanted to ask Yuri if she wanted to hang out when Monika interrupted. "Okay everyone! That all the time we have today." Yuri shot out of the classroom, trying to avoid anyone and everyone.

Natsuki sighs and takes out her m&m bag and starts walking home. Unless her father left work early she should get home before him. She would have enough time to do her mountain of chores and make dinner before he came home. She unlocked the door, witch ment he was not home and started dinner and her chores. She probably wouldn't eat tonight because she ate dinner yesterday. She set the table and walked to her room, and when she got through half of her poem for tomorrow the front door opened.

She knew it was better to stay in her room because everything would anger her father since her mother had died. He had anger issues before she died, but that dove him off the edge. In his fits of anger he would hit anything near him, including his daughter. Suddenly her phone vibrated. The club had a group chat courtesy of Sayori.

lilmonix3: forgot to tell you, but we are participating in the festival on Monday because we have enough people.

sayo-sunshine: yay! :)

Yuri: okay.

Main Character: I'm fine with that

 fine. what do we need to do?: cupcake-master3000

lilmonix3: I'll tell you tomorrow

Though Natsuki didn't exactly want to do anything at the festival, she didn't argue. She finished her poem along with her homework and decided to look at social media. Natsuki had an account, but rarely posted on it. Mostly she looked at baking recipes, and what her friends posted. Monika posted every day while Sayori posted every few days. If Yuri had an account Natsuki didn't know about it. She didn't think Yuri even looked at social media. After a few hours Natsuki became tired and changed clothes for bed.

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