Bad Vibes

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Jade and Dave walked back to the group of trolls and kids, "ey, what have you all been talking about?" Dave asked.


"K4RKL3S! B3 N1C3..." Terezi hissed, grabbing Karkat's arm, he huffed and remained quiet.

"well, we just walked off to be alone, is all.." Jade said, smiling, "is that such a bad thing?" she asked.

"not at all, Jade." John chuckled happily, looking at his phone, "whoa! damn it's late... come on guys we should head home.." he said, standing up. Rose and the other trolls all stood up, each of them bidding eachother goodbye as they left separately in their own vehicles. Dave was about to get into his red mustang, he looked up to see Jade walking away, "hey!" he called. Jade turned around and looked at him, "what?"

"you want me to give you a ride? you can hang back at my place with me.." he offered, "I get bad vibes when you're out all alone..."

"no I'm alright..." she replied, giving him a grateful look, "I'll be okay... after all I have my shot gun. you go on home, Dave. I'll talk to you soon."

"alright, Babe. see ya later." he chuckled, getting into the car and turning the engine over, backing out of the parking lot and driving away. She watched him leave and sighed, turning back around to walk home. She shuddered to the feeling of the icy wind that blew quietly through the trees. She hugged herself in her jacket, huffing softly, damnit I should've gone with Dave... it's so cold... she thought remorsefully, looking up to see the bright and full moon sitting dead center of the starry sky. she smiled at the sight, despite the fact I'm freezing, it's beautiful out here at night... she looked behind her, slowly beginning to feel like someone was stalking her. once the feeling of a presence near reached a point she turned around, growling angrily as a light pink flushed across her face, "Eridan if that's you I'm going to fry you and make fish sticks!" she shouted angrily. there was no reply. "... huh..." she shrugged it off and shook her head, continuing to walk down the road to her house.

something in fact was following her, a large creature who stayed within the tree line to avoid being seen out in the open. it's eyes were a dull green and it's fur was a scruffy black mess, it's front teeth were a bit too big for its maw as well. This giant dog had followed her scent, finally catching up enough to catch Jade in its view. The monster stalked right along the tree line, waiting patiently for the right time to attack.

Jade hugged herself tighter for warmth, glancing at the beautiful night sky every now and then to give her a sense of joy and happiness. she looked ahead to the hill, almost home... clouds closed in over the moon and stars, it began to pour and thunder angrily. she giggled a little, "alright, rain!" she said optimistically, putting her hood over her head. she finally began walking up the hill to her house, smiling as she saw Bec in the window, wagging his tail.

trot. trot. trot. trot.

she stopped and turned around, the giant, green-eyed dog was at the bottom of the hill, staring right at her. Bec was barking like crazy, demanding she get inside immediately. The dog ran up the hill, growling and lunging for her, Jade let out a shriek of fear as she pulled out her shot gun from her fetch modus. it tackled her to the ground and scratched across her face.


the dog yelped and flew off her, tumbling through the mud back down to the bottom of the hill where it stood. it started convulsing in the pool of its own blood, Jade walked down to the creature, still pointing her gun at it. the dog started morphing and the whimpering became familiar crying. "agh p-please I'm s-so sorry..." it said in a british cockney accent. she slowly lowered the gun, gasping as she realized who it was once it stopped shrinking.

it was Jake.

tears welled in her eyes as she knelt down beside him, he looked up at her, tears streaming down his face, blood dripping from his mouth as he hiccuped and whined, shaking violently. she gazed at the hole she made in his stomach, "J-Jade... I-I'm so sorry..."he whined again, she knelt down and cupped his cheek, looking at him sadly, "Jake! I-I shot you! wh-what have I done?!"

"y-you've... f-freed me..." he said, smiling a little.

"wh-what..?" she asked, confused as tears streamed down her face.

"Th-The curse... I-I had Lycanthrope... a-and I'm finally... free..." he said, coughing as his voice became quieter, "b-but I've given it to you... M-May I burn in hell for my actions.." he whispered.

"J-Jake? Jake! N-No don't die!" she cried, hugging him tightly.

"Jade... thank you..." he whispered, closing his eyes and sighing his last breath as he went limp in her arms. she stared at his lifeless, bleeding body, "J-Jake..! N-No... God no... I'm so sorry..." she whimpered, burrying her face in his chest. "I d-didn't know it was you.." she whispered. pulling out her phone and dialing 9-1-1. "p-please you have to help... m-my gran-.... m-my friend is dead..." she pleaded, "p-please hurry... I d-don't want him in th-this weather..."

(Author's Note: I was fighting back tears while writing Jake's death scene.)

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