Weekend with my mother ✔️

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Warnings: homophobia

Words: 2244

Avengers are having a week off which means time with my mother. Don't get me wrong I love her but I don't feel good when I'm around her sometimes. I'm a little bit scared of coming home because I didn't visit her the last time as I promised.

I said goodbye to Natasha and went on the bus. Yes, I don't have my car, most of the time I take one of Starks or drive with Nat. I don't want Natasha to meet my mother because my mom is kind of homophobic so yeah.

When I arrived at my childhood house I saw my mom smiling behind the window. She opened the door for me and hugged me. I fake smiled and walked to my room to place my bags there. When I walked down my mom started talking about her. Finally, she changed the topic and started talking about 'how I need to find a man to marry'. Of course, I said that I'm single and my mom said she had a brilliant plan to invite my ex-boyfriend to dinner.

We were dating in school and after we broke up I realized I like girls more than boys. When I become Avenger and after meeting Natasha I know that I'm gay. We are together for eight months now and everything is great. She is the best person on earth and I love her so much.'Y/N are you listening" she asked smiling. "I texted Tom and he texted me back that he is very happy to see you. He will arrive today at 7 p.m. Remember to wear nice clothes. Maybe is hope for you two, you were a cute couple, and I kinda hoped that you will get married.

I looked at her with a shocked expression on my face. I told her that I don't need her help with finding any men, but she doesn't care.

So here I'm, sitting at the dinner table only with Tom because after an hour my mom went to her room because she felt bad. Tom is talking to me, but all I can think of is Natasha. I didn't call her today as I was supposed to. I feel so much guilt from sitting here with Tom. He is a nice guy but in a friendly way. We ate a nice dinner with a bottle of wine and I companied him to the door. I smiled nicely at him, he leans closer trying to kiss me but I pushed him.

"Ummm, I can't. Tom listen I like you as a friend. I know we were close in past, but I moved on and I don't feel the same for you and it will never be the same." He looked at his hands. "Oh Y/N, I'm sorry. I understand what you are talking but I'm not going to let go as I did earlier. I'm going to show you that we deserve another chance." he said quickly and left. I closed the door and sat on the floor with my knees pushed to my chest.

I felt trapped. He is back and wants me to be his again. Natasha is probably mad at me for not texting and if she will know who is Tom and what his plans are she is going to be angrier. I don't know if she wants my mess. I keep making more problems and I think that she is annoyed with my person more and more. My mother keeps destroying my life. I hate it. I hate everything. Why I can't be normal, like boys, and stop creating problems?

I was so overwhelmed by everything that was happening, that I quickly went to my room. I took sleep meds which I have stolen from Tony's laboratories. I changed into pajamas and went to sleep.

The next day my mother woke me up to help her with some house things to do. Like caring a heavy shit or working in the garden all day. That helps me to calm my mind a little bit. The weekend is getting close to the end, so I packed my things, says goodbye to my mom, and went back to Tower.

The whole drive back was terrible. My mind was spinning and going in many directions. What am I going to tell Nat? That I was on dinner planned by my mother with my ex and now he wants me back.

I was staring at the door thinking about how I'm going to explain my ghosting towards Natasha all this weekend.

I finally opened the door and saw Avengers sitting or laying in the living room, watching TV. My girlfriend was staring at the wall beside the TV. I entered the room and everyone hugs me and told me how much they missed me. They even invited me to watch with them, but I said I'm too tired so I will go to my room. The last one to approach me was Nat, she hugged me tightly and took my bags leading the way to our room. When we arrived she sits on the bed and was observing me. I unpacked my things as quickly as possible and sat in front of her on the bed."How was your weekend?" she asked quietly. "It was a disaster, my mom is trying even more to find me a boyfriend" she keeps quiet and I keep talking "Natasha I really love you and I never loved anyone in my life that much" she smiled a little.

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