Like you used to hit her ✔️

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Warnings: abusive parent

Words: 1730

"Hit me like you used to hit her" Natasha yelled at my dad. All Team froze at her words. "Natasha stop" I interrupted her before thinking will get out of control. I take her arm and bring her to our room. I look the door and started shouting at her. "What the fuck Natasha, I didn't tell you this to that you can take this as a card against Tony when you don't like his decisions. I don't need your stupid help. I can take it on my own". She keeps staring at me scared of my reaction. "Now you aren't going to say anything"

I was just so pissed at her. I tell her about Tony but she promised me to don't tell anyone and now the whole team knows that my dad used to hit me. "He will take avenge for your behaving Natasha and I'm not going to stand before him". I tell her that quieter I was really scared that he can hurt her. She is just a woman, a trained assassin, who doesn't have a cool suit or powers.

As she sees fear in my eyes she comes closer to me. We were a few steps from each other. "I know you are scared but I can handle this. I'm always gonna fight for our little family". I smiled lightly at her as she was walking toward me. She brings her hand near my face and I flinch. "Hey look at me Y/N I'm not gonna hurt you," she said and couped my head in her hands. She wiped my tears. I didn't notice that I was crying.

I hug her tightly. "I'm so sorry Nat for yelling at you". "Shhhh Y/N I'm not going anywhere. You always be my true love and we got this together". I was crying harder in her arms. "I really don't want to see him anymore". "I know my love, I know".

She bring me to our bed and we were cuddling, scared to lose one another. I was going to sleep since I was so exhausted mentally. That's when I started hearing yelling behind our door. I look at Nat scared. "Nat it's him, he's coming here". I started to panic. She stroked my cheek and she was watching the door carefully.

Suddenly the door was aggressively opened and my dad walk to our room. Natasha quickly stands up and I just hide behind the bed and her. "How dare you come to this room. You are nothing Stark" Natasha started shouting at him. He keeps going towards her. "Your pathetic Natasha she is my daughter, of course, she will keep coming to me again and again." I was so fucking scared that he is going to hurt her. He pointed at her with his suit arm. He is going to blast her.

"Dad stop" I stand and start walking towards them. "Y/N no stay behind me please" I look at her with guilt in my eyes." Im sorry Natasha". Now I was hurting her. "Dad put your hand down please." He do what I asked him and he grab my arm painfully. He brings me outside the door. Counter of an eye I saw how Nat's body breaks on the floor and she starts crying.

I knew that I need to do this. It was for her good I know that he won't kill me because I was his little pet. I can handle another punishment but Natasha couldn't handle a shot from Iron Man suit. Tony brought me to the living room where everyone was sitting with interested, worried, or sad looks.

I put on my face mask and fake smiled at them. "What are you looking at?" I asked Team and sit next to my dad resting my head on his shoulder. They exchanged confused looks and Wanda stand up and left the room. I think she went to Natasha's room. I quickly pull my phone from my pocket and texted Nat. I knew my dad is looking at what I'm doing.

Natasha ❤️
Hey, everything is alright I'm sitting with everyone in the living room.
Don't say what happened in my room please and don't say any more about what you were saying to the Team earlier.

She didn't send me a response. I messed up very badly. Fuck. I don't want to sit here and fake smiling. I want to lay in bed with Natasha, cuddled to her side and I hurt her. She isn't going to forgive me.

After a while, I heard Natasha and Wanda giggling together. I lift my head and see two women sitting next to Steve and Bucky. I can't help but I'm staring at Nat. My dad seems to notice my look because he stuck his fingernail into my forearm. I almost hissed in pain but I stopped myself.

After hours of watching movies and eating dinner most of the Avengers were going to their rooms. Natasha left the room without even looking at me. That hurts but it was my fault. I'm just waiting for my punishment so I can go to my room and lay in my bed alone.

When the last person left the room my dad take my arm and dragged me to his room. I sat down on the bed and waited for what he would do to me. For that moment I knew that I need to be good because I need to protect Nat from him.

"Jarvis turn soundproof protection in my room". "Oh Y/N what you and your girlfriend were thinking" he takes a sip of alcohol. "You are pathetic" he punched me hard in the stomach. This definitely gonna left brushes so tomorrow I need to hide from everyone. "I'm sorry dad, she probably just see one of my brushes. I was hiding them so I don't know how she find out".

Of course that she find out quickly. I through that I can hide that he was abusing me from her. I was finching when I was thinking that someone was about to hit me but they didn't do that.

When I drink a little bit at a party. We get horny and we were about to do it for the first time but I got scared and we didn't do anything. When she lifted my shirt she saw many brushes. I quickly hide in my room and we didn't talk for a few days.

My thoughts were stopped by another painful hit. I fell to the floor. He keeps kicking me in my stomach. He stopped when he saw that I can't breathe. He give me a break and he finished drinking the first bottle. He broke the glass and throw the broken bottle at me. I raised my hand to protect my face. It cut my arm badly. It scared me that it maybe need snitches. I'm gonna do that alone since I can't go to Bruce in the middle of the night with a weird cut.

With another few punches and kicks. Tony allowed me to leave the room. "Be careful nobody can see you, now leave". I have trouble with standing so he pushed me out of the room.

I sneaked to the med bay and grab a first aid kit, a few snitches, and others things that might help. I went to my old room since I was living in Natasha's room. I noticed that the sheets were clean and on the night desk was painkillers and a bottle of cereal. Of course, it was Nat, nobody else would do that to me. I locked the door and went to the bathroom. I undressed myself and went to shower. After that, I take a few painkillers.

I have a big cut on my arm, a few little ones on my face, and my stomach. I gonna need a few days off from missions. I snitched my arm and take care of others. I went to my bed exhausted and went to sleep.

Next day
I was sleeping and I heard a knock to my room. "Hey Y/N it's me, I want to check on you and I brought dinner". I looked at clock and see that it was 2 pm. I pulled the hoodie and went to open the door. At first, when she found out that my dad is abusing me she keeps coming to check on me. It was our little routine. I was locking myself in my room and she keeps bringing me food. Sometimes when my wounds weren't bad I let her help me. I hated looking at her when she do this because I see how broken she looks.

"Hey Natasha" I greeted her and she looks at me sadly. I locked the room. "Let me check your wounds, how badly he hit you". I take her hands in mine. "Nat I've already taken care of it everything is fine, I'm ok" She just shakes her head and looks at flor. I hug her and she just places her hands on my hips scared to hurt me. I was stroking her head.

"We can escape and we can live together" I looked at her and she looks at me. "We can try, I won't gonna let you live here anymore with him. Tears started escaping her eyes. "Nat please don't cry, we need to make a plan and make sure he doesn't find us". She lightly smiled. "What if he find another person to abusive?" "We tell Steve and Wanda they can deal with him". Natasha gently picked up and carried me to bed. She wanted to take off my hoodie but I stopped her. I know that she knows that it's bad.

"Can we have a dog?" I asked her. She giggled and nod her head as yes. I smiled and kissed her. We were watching moves and planning our future tougher. She left my room to bring something to eat but we both know that if she stays as I'm gonna check my wounds. It will end up us arguing or crying. So we pretend that everything is ok with me physically.

I feel like I need to stop my story there because if I'm gonna continue this it will be to long.

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