Oh, oh damn. That hurt.

Start from the beginning

I decided to sit in the kitchen, it would be nice to have a quiet day, hopefully eat something before me and Naroo have got to go. My stomach gave me the feeling that it was gonna start grumbling if I didn't eat soon. Ludo appeared behind me with a plate, "Vaughan cooked this morning, it's her day off so she went back to bed"

"Nat? I didn't know it was her day off. When did she tell you that?"

"After I asked if you wanted to beat up your door"  He placed the plate down in front of me. "Ludo, why are you here?" Xan yawned as he entered the kitchen, "Oo! Food!" He chided as he snatched a piece of toast off my plate.

A small laugh left my mouth, "You're lucky I'm not Pan, or you'd be missing a finger"

Xan gives me a sarcastic smile.  "Yeah, yeah. Whatever" He turns back to Naroo. "So, what time are we leaving? And who's driving?"

"I am" Naroo responded "I'm just grabbing some food before we go to eat on the way". While they talked I grabbed the toast that wasn't kidnapped and started snacking on it. Poppy sat watching everyone converse, she barely whispered "I'm not ready for this"

"Poppy, everything's gonna be fine. Just stay very, very far away from me, Naroo, and the other kids. They'll toss you to us the second they can"

"You're not supposed to help her" Naroo  replied, "It was you who said that she wouldn't survive."

"That's why I'm helping her, and it's not against the world to give her pointers. Poppy, stay away from a girl that looks like Naroo, she'll rip you apart"

Poppy nodded quickly, picking at the crust of her toast. I could see that she had questions but she stayed silent. She pushed her plate away and stood, "Well I'm ready to go" Her expression hardened in deep thought.

"Well, we should definitely go, it's a long drive, you guys ready?"

Xan and Naroo nodded along and Naroo disappeared to go change. I tossed Xan the keys to my car. I don't really feel like driving this early. It's not as fun as it was when I first started driving. "You trust me to drive your car!?" He smiled while holding were his imaginary heart is. "Only because I'm in it, and it's not my last choice"

He pouted at my response but sighed and opened the door for me and Poppy then followed us out. As we went down the stairs Xan hummed a quiet tune as he slowly went in front of me with his long ass legs. "Why didn't we use the elevator?" Poppy asked once we reached the bottom.

"We'd be squished together, it's not very big"

I open the door with my shoulder for Xan and Poppy. Right before I go after them fast footsteps are coming at me. "How dare you leave me. Ludo kept trying to ask if he could go with without asking, I've never run so fast"

He better run fast if we're gonna beat the hell out of some kids.

Don't say that out of context, ever please.

"Oh!" Naroo turned around, a wide grin on his face "You get to meet Cheng!"

I opened the passenger side door and sat down while Naroo got in the back "Who's Cheng?"

"Is that another thing I've never brought up? Cheng is my tiger, Jiva's the panther"

Xan didn't say anything but had a 'WFT?' look on his face, his eyes flickering between the road and Naroo in the rear view mirror.

I laughed awkwardly. I'm really hoping Goo doesn't know who it was and show up here because of course everyone would show up here when they have a problem.  Another knock was at my door. It slowly opened and Naroo peeked his head through.

A Comfortable Silence (Jayxreader)Where stories live. Discover now