4 'in the hexide'

Start from the beginning

- 'of course follow me!'

She took my hand. I felt like my stomach turned upside down. My cheeks were burning. I was walking after her untill she stopped. Some pink-haired girl started talking to her.

- ooh, I see. A loser found another loser friend.'
She laughed.

- 'leave me alone Boscha.'
Willow said irritably.

- 'aww, what are you going to do? Cry like a baby?'
She continued to bully her

The pink girl was short next to me so I stood up for Willow.

- 'she said to leave her alone. Are you deaf?'

- 'jeez, you don't have any sense of humor.'
She said while walking away.

- 'thank you Hunter that was really sweet of you.'
Willow said thankfully.

- 'o-oh no worries!'
I turned red again.

- 'now let's go we're almost there!'
She continued walking.

I followed her and finally she showed me the principal's office.

- 'thank you! Now go so you won't be late.'
I nodded.

- 'byee hunter!'
She waved to me

I waved back. If I'm going to see this pink-haired girl again I'm going to beat the hell out of her. I entered quickly the secret hallways so no one can see me. I was waiting to hear the screaming. Finally I heard this annoying thing and all the noise from hallways went quiet. I knew how to enter the principal's office without being noticed. I left the secret hallway and knocked the door. Then I jumped to the secret hallway and entered the principal's office. I saw him standing outside looking for the person that knocked. I closed the door after him and locked it with chair. I found quickly the documents and remembered the number. I hid the documents back. I unlocked the door then I ran as fast as possible to the secret room. I did it.

Poor principal he was probably confused right now. But I didn't mind. It took me long enough to hear the screaming. I left the secret hallways. I saw Luz talking with gus on the hallway so i ran to them.

- 'hii! How are you guys doing?'
I asked

- 'nothing important just talking.'
Gus responded.

- 'hey! No gloves at the school!'
A teacher passing by said to me.

- 'o-oh im sorry i didn't know!'
I said while taking them off.

- 'I hope so.'
They left.

- 'hey Hunter what's that on ur hand?'
Gus pointed at the scar at my hand.

- 'don't worry it's nothing. I got it while doing a mission.'

- 'oh fine then.'

- 'I'll go i finished what i was supposed to do.'
I said.

- 'oh okay! By the way can you tell me what you needed?'
Luz asked.

- 'like I said I'll keep this for myself.'

- 'I'm dying out of curiosity. But fine.'
Luz said.

- 'huh? I i don't get it.'
I said. I really didn't get it.

- 'nevermind now bye byeeee!'
She walked away with Gus.

I'm kinda cofused but I'll just ignore it. I left the school and flied over to the castle. The emperor Belos was in his room.

- 'I got the information.'

- 'tell me.'

- 'there are 154 students studying in emperor's coven.'

- 'okay thank you. Did you cause any trouble?'

- 'no, everything went smoothly.'

- 'okay. I'm proud of you. You didn't fail.'

I didn't fail! That was a big success for me.

- 'rest of the day is free for you. Do anything you want to as long you don't cause any trouble.'

- 'I get it, thank you. Goodbye.'
I said thankfully

- 'goodbye.'

I left the room. I was hungry so I made myself a sandwich and then ate it. I was proud of myself today. I went after that to my room. I started sketching something on the paper. I find it calming. Time passed by. I looked through the window and I saw a beautiful sunset. I tried to draw it but I messed up. I changed my clothes to pyjamas and then went to sleep.

Extra note

Boom more huntlow content. I also added a few autistic hunter moments cuz why not. I'm proud that I found motivation to write this chapter. I hope you liked it. (It's so late rn help me i have school tommorow)

1205 words

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