Scene #22

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This is the fireplace scene. :)


I also made it longer since I just realized that this has been sitting in my drafts for nearly TWO WHOLE MONTHS. :/

Oh, and a trigger warning for the mention of bloodshed.


"Why not?"

Japeth sighed. "It's just because you never told me. I thought you wanted to get better."

"Why would you think that?" Aric asked, confused. "I'm the last person in this hellhole focused on self-improvement and all that bullshit."

"I just thought you'd at least play along longer," Japeth argued. "But I guess not."

Aric folded his arms. "No, I'm done with this shit show. Tonight, midnight, I'm out."

"Then I'm coming with you," Japeth said.

"You can't, Japeth."


The violet-eyed boy sighed. "I think you'll be fine but if two people go missing, that'll only cause more problems. I'd rather spend my free time being chased by police as little as possible."

"That doesn't sound like you," Japeth argued.

"Well now it is," Aric said, warning thunder rumbling at the back of his tone. "I'm tired of so much, Japeth. I can't keep this up much longer, and frankly, I don't think you can either."

"Keep what up, Aric?"

Aric laughed, jagged and not at all warm. "You can't tell me that you seriously don't know."

"What are you talking about?" Japeth pressed, confused.

"You're even denser than I thought. You think on what I could possibly mean, and get back to me when you do. Hopefully I'll be long gone by then," Aric sneered and turned around, marching back inside with a dramatic door slam.

Japeth stared after him, stunned. Aric wasn't a very emotional person, so this seemed a bit out of his usual-but maybe the preparation for his departure was bringing this out in him. With a sigh, Japeth returned to his doodling, waiting for Rhian's return.

A few more minutes passed in thoughtful silence, then the sound of voices drew closer to Japeth's door. He recognized one of them as Rhian in no time. Sure enough, his brother sauntered in to begin his disgustingly long bedtime routine.

Rhian changed into his pajamas and sat down at his desk, beginning to hum a an irritatingly repetitive tune.

"Must you do all that and hum?" Japeth demanded, fed up with Rhian's out-of-tune melody that Japeth recognized as Jaunt Jolie's anthem.

"Don't be jealous, brother," Rhian snorted. "One of us has to be talented."

Japeth rolled his eyes at Rhian's ego. "Who crawled up your ass and died today?"

"Pfft, all I hear is your jealousy," his twin shot back.

"No, all you hear is my exhaustion," he corrected.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Japeth," Rhian said with a sigh.

Japeth straightened. "I don't, thanks to your loud snoring."

"I do not snore," Rhian retorted. "You must be hearing things."

"Yeah, your snoring."

"Oh, let it go," his brother dismissed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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