Scene #11

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Author confession-I wrote this before scene #10. :) I really needed some patience for Christmas. Anyways, enjoy!

"Well done, you three. You have officially been initiated into my force," Aric began, pacing the line of Dolion, Japeth, and Callan with more languid steps than typical. "You've put yourself through my trials, surviving them and working yourself to the bone. Therefore, I will give you your final rite quickly."

He paused and pivoted quickly to face them in his usual spot. "However, it has come to my attention that two of you are not who you say you are. Disguised, by magic. You two lied straight to my face, and I let it slide in curiosity to see how things would play out, and the only hidden two made it to the last three. Granted, you have used magic strong enough to disguise your identity beyond magic notice."

"Would those two step forward? Our third friend, I suggest you stand off to the side," Aric purred, eyes lingering on Callan.

Japeth sighed, heaving his shoulders as he stepped forward. This was one way for Aric to find out, anyway. He glanced to the side and found Dolion standing forward, fists clenched.

"Let's start with you, Dolion, you look the most anxious to kill me," Aric sneered wickedly and flashed a lit finger at the boy, whose disguise melted away.

Japeth choked, finding himself looking at the last person he expected to, glaring at his best friend with a murderous look in his eye. He couldn't believe he had been so stupidly blind to the clues. The scar. The twisted backstory. Dolion. His own dear twin brother, Rhian, had found a way to follow him, as always. Or did he prefer Naihr?

Rhian tensed, but didn't attack yet. He must've wanted to know who Japeth really was first. And so, it seemed, did Aric.

"And if you're here, that means you must be," Aric swished his finger in Japeth's direction, and he felt his guise swoop off like a sheet.

"Leave him out of this," Rhian spat. "I don't want you playing with him anymore."

"I don't listen to you," Aric returned, eyes on Japeth, tracing him up and down. "Surprised, I will admit, that you managed to make it through my trials. Better boys have failed."

"Then I'm not like them, now am I?" Rhian challenged, straightening with an even stronger glare.

"I suppose not," Aric mused offhandedly. "Nor is your dear brother, who has yet to speak."

"Nice to see you, too, Aric," Japeth chose his time to speak.

Rhian leveled his scowl at his twin. "Be quiet, brother. Don't give into his games."

"He did that a while ago," Aric replied, drawing closer to Japeth with something that almost looked like caution mixed with forced calm. His mesmerizing violet eyes continued flicking along Japeth's lean figure until they met the boy's eyes. Japeth found himself drawn to swirling violet depths, hypnotizing with the same deadly elegance as a blood-splatted rose or a fine dagger.

Rhian actually hissed. "Shut up, you cretin. I was speaking to my brother."

Aric rolled his purple eyes. "I'm aware. I control my speech unless prompted to do else," his eyes returned to Japeth, trailing over him like one would examine a map.

The sound of Rhian grounding his teeth shattered the following silence, slicing it to ribbons that just missed Japeth's confidence as Aric drew closer still.

"How has my favorite pet been doing?"

"I'm your only pet," Japeth argued. "But I've been doing fine. Passed your cockamamie trials, didn't I?"

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