Scene #19

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I decided it was time for another fluffy scene-lunch this time, plus the "bonus" 'studying'! For these, I think I'll stick with Japeth's POV because it's so fun to write him flustered. :D

And yeah, this is a cute li'l chapter. 😊

I'll right the previous scene to scene #18 sometime later, and probably continue this one. 

Japeth literally skipped out to lunch, feeling light as air. His brother had come down with a bad cold, and Aric had finally warmed up to him. He could've even called them friends at this point.

He settled himself into the shade of their usual tree, ignoring the weirded-out looks he got from the other boys, and Kei's annoyed glance. The dark-haired boy had told Japeth as much as yelled at him that he should've been at his brother's bedside. 

Dean Brunhilde didn't allow Kei because Kei wasn't family, and Japeth had passed up the opportunity. He didn't want to listen to Rhian complain and yammer on about Camelot fantasies.

"Is there a reason you're so disgustingly cheery?" An eloquent voice demanded, and a presence threw itself down on the ground next to Japeth.

The copper-haired boy discarded his thoughts and turned to face Aric with a grin. "There might be," he replied nonchalantly.

"I've never seen anyone so happy for berries and last week's corn," Aric remarked, grabbing his corn and throwing it at a squirrel on an overhead branch. It hit the squirrel and knocked the creature onto a lower branch. After recovering, it chittered angrily and glared at Aric before scurrying off around the tree.

Japeth snorted. "You must really hate the squirrels around here; you do that practically every day."

"Keeps me entertained," Aric shrugged carelessly. "Would you prefer I took shots at the other brats here? Too bad the biggest target is down sick today; he would've been an easy shot."

Japeth rolled his eyes with a scoff, eating a few berries so he didn't have to speak.

"You know I'm right," Aric crushed a berry between his forefinger and thumb, watching the juice trail down his hand curiously. He gave it a few seconds before popping a few berries into his mouth.

"Thank goodness they're freshly picked, hmm?" Japeth asked. "Wouldn't want to eat rotten fruit."

"Don't understand why Brunhilde won't butcher the damn chickens," Aric grouched. "It's not like people will like us any more if we have annoying, loud cluckers that like to peck people half to death. Might as well make them useful."

"And I'm sure you'd be first in line to volunteer," Japeth teased.

Aric lifted a shoulder. "Can you blame me? Damn things woke me up at two in the morning yesterday, all because they saw a bird in the sky."

"Maybe they wanted to be just like the bird," Japeth offered.

"Then I'd have gladly catapulted them in the sky," the violet-eyed boy snorted.

His companion sighed. "I could've just slaughtered them for you."

"Yeah, and then you'd have taken away the fun," Aric grouched. "I enjoy a little murder from time to time."

"That's why we get along," the ice-eyed boy commented smugly.

"If you could get sentimental another time, that'd be preferred," Aric grunted. "I'm trying to appreciate the absence of a moron and envision the chickens splatting on people's roofs."

"Well, you can't now that I'm here," Japeth's smile grew as he swept a finger along his corn cob, dislodging the small pieces slowly.

Aric scoffed. "You really put yourself down on his level?"

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