Scene #1

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You will find that I am a sucker for Jaric roof scenes, so here's one I wrote back in September:

"So, why are we here?" Japeth asked, absentmindedly swinging his legs over the roof edge on which the boys were sitting.

Aric didn't reply, looking lost in thought as he gazed out at the sunset.

"Aric?" Japeth asked, turning his head so he could better eye the boy next to him.

"Hmm?" The violet-eyed boy murmured, eyes still on the setting sun, tinting the sky shades of pink and orange.

"Why are we here?"

"For you to confess your undying love, of course," Aric answered, turning just in time to see the sunset reflect Japeth's flush.

"Very funny, why are we really here?"

The boy took a deep breath, as if the next events were about to pain him. He shifted to where he was facing Japeth. Without thinking, Japeth did the same.

Aric took another breath before opening his mouth. "We've known each other for two years now, Japeth. Ever since that day we crashed into each other, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. And you know in which way I mean. I befriended you. I depended on you. Still do, in fact. We need each other."

Japeth nodded his agreement, heartbeat picking up speed.

"You're the only person I've ever felt truly understands and can relate to me. I've only ever felt like I am valued and that I belong with you. You give me a reason to wake up every morning and not want to kill myself to escape the hellhole of reality. Both of us have had difficult pasts, have tough presents, and we have even harder futures. Neither of our parents loved us, and nobody else truly knows us for who we are. No one accepts us but each other, and at this point, it's us against the world. I can't lose you, Japeth. I can't lose the only person I have ever called a friend. But friendships are fragile and easily breakable. Not ours, however, if it even is a friendship anymore. I believe it's evolved into something more, would you agree?"

Slowly, Japeth nodded.

Aric smiled, a true, grateful smile. "You mean the world to me, Japeth. You're the only one I've ever felt anything like this for who I can trust not to betray me. We're practically blood, closer than that. We've traded secrets, done everything together. We've shared everything. You coax emotion out of me I didn't even know I had. And I know that I couldn't live without you." 

Gently, he reached out, cupping Japeth's left cheek. "You're the best thing that ever happened to me. I don't know where I would be or what I would do without you. You're the only thing that's kept me grounded and driven me to live. You're more than just my best friend. You're my only friend."

His hand slid down to the copper-haired boy's chin. "And I love you."

Japeth's eyes shone with happy tears. "I have never felt the way about anyone that I feel about you, Aric. You bring out the best and worst in me, in the best possible way. Like you said, we need each other. Without you, I would be my brother's royal bootlicker or something." Both chuckled.

"And I'm glad you came into my life," Japeth continued, "because without you, I would've given up a long time ago. We're twin monsters seeking only the love of the other. We can only love the other. So you were right, after all. I love you, Aric."

The dark-haired boy grinned, moving his hand to cradle his friend's shoulder. Simultaneously, they both leaned in, meeting in an explosion of stars. Two pairs of eyes fluttered shut, one purple and the other ice-blue as the boys finally welcomed each other home. 

The sunset silhouetted their singular outline as they drew closer still. It was a sweet, touching moment as both of the boys finally accepted each other in the ways they had always wanted to. And it only took a rooftop sunset.

Thoughts? Yeah-I'm a bit impatient for them to really have a touching moment due to Aric's apathetic barrier, so I time-skipped to them knowing each other for two years. :D

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