Scene #12

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Don't kill me, please. I swear on SGE I love Jaric to death, but I wanted to put an emotional Japeth/apathetic Aric twist on this, and may even continue it for a few more scenes than expected.

Japeth was subjected to the mercy of awkwardness for the next couple of weeks in the special force. Callan never said a word, and was always off on separate assignments. Thankfully, Rafal had granted him permission for his own room, otherwise he would've died.

Aric gave him orders mostly in the pretense of Rafal's presence, and the School Master wasn't subtle about letting them both know that he'd noticed the tense air in his office whenever the two were in there with him.

One day, Japeth had shown up in the middle of an interrogation, right when Aric was lying about previously knowing him.

"Japeth," the School Master had said once his son entered and shut the door, "have you previously known your Captain? Your brother apparently did, I hear, so where were you?"

"I didn't know him as well as I thought I did, Father. We hardly spoke, and in fact, he seemed closer to my brother based on their arguments," Japeth lied, shooting Aric a covert icy look. If the sadist could pull out his knives, so could he.

Rafal looked thoughtful. "That's a shame. You seem like you two would've gotten along."

"Perhaps," Aric said shortly, jaw clenched.

"I don't think so, Father, since I don't like to associate with people who are beneath my heritage," Japeth answered, and his father gave him a look.

"I wouldn't be so sure. Lady Lesso's family has quite the power and respect-all duly garnered. Her son is no exception."

"As a begging, submissive little guard dog," the copper-haired boy snorted.

Aric's fists clenched tighter than his jaw, knuckles whitening past the boy's usual skin tone.

"Japeth, that is enough," Rafal cut in with a light frown.

"School Master, if I may, it will soon be our time to escort your queen to her meeting with Lady Lesso," Aric gritted out.

"Come, Japeth. I don't believe you have met our newest staff member yet." Rafal stood and left his office. "I expect you to be waiting in your office."

"Yes, School Master," Aric nodded.

The boys walked to Aric's shared office in silence, Japeth lingering a few steps behind Aric. He decided to keep his wits about him and his words to himself. A few more silent twists, turns and staircase climbs later, they arrived. 

As soon as Japeth stepped foot in the office, he found himself greeted with the sharp eye of an imposing dark-haired woman, her purple eyes as piercing as her son's. A wonderfully painful reminder, those damn cursed eyes were.

"So," Lady Lesso eyed Japeth critically, then her son. "This sad little excuse is your newest plaything."

"This 'sad little excuse' is one of my henchmen, who happens to be the twin of that other boy you know about," Aric hissed. "The School Master personally recommended him to me and my force."

"Yes, can't disappoint Rafal-you'll never be able to kill your mother that way since you would no longer be in the castle," Lady Lesso dismissed coldly. "Sophie is expected, I take it?"

"Yes, Mother."

The Dean sighed, a heavy sort of sigh that didn't deny any expectations. "Well, she's late. I'll be sure to let her know how I appreciate her extra time with Rafal. Teenagers are so irresponsible and untrustworthy nowadays."

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