Scene #17

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So I was still in a remembrance/soft mood-okay, okay, I was listening to Smokestacks. Here's another similar case-but from our favorite lion's POV!

Thank God that monster was gone, was the first thought that pulsed through Rhian's mind the second he watched the pen paint out Aric's death. He'd almost sighed in relief-before remembering that he wasn't alone-in fact, he was with someone who'd been extremely chummy with the violet-eyed demon.

Rhian looked over at his brother, who was frozen and deathlike, staring at the page that so vibrantly portrayed the death of someone whom Rhian knew he cared deeply about. Japeth's face remained carved from stone for a whole of twenty long seconds, as the pen finished the painting along with the accompanying words.

Rhian watched his twin the entire time, concerned and wondering if he should step in. Then the page flipped and the spell was broken. The chapter finished and the two left the room to go reconvene.

"So," Japeth began in a flat, dull, emotionless tone, "the School Master lost his war."

"He did," Rhian replied cautiously. "I rather expected it; these girls have proven exceptional against anyone. Sophie especially is one to watch out for with her fervent ideals and wily ways."

His twin instantly flared, perhaps thinking back to the time when the blonde girl, Sophie, disguised herself as a boy and choked Aric. "And I suppose the Dean of Evil is to credit, for teaching her all those years?"

"I guess," Rhian mumbled uncertainly.

"She is a cruel woman who deserved her end!" Japeth exploded, leaping off the couch with a shout. "She manipulated children who didn't know their true task! She enforced crude ideas on children and then showed obvious favoritism! She abandoned her son! She treated him like-" the twin choked on his words and stood there, shaking with emotion.

"Japeth," the sea-eyed boy began hesitantly and gently, "if this is about that-"

"Don't! Don't insult him like you always do!" His twin screamed, fists clenching at his sides. "He couldn't help it; he was broken! Just like me!"

"Japeth, calm down. I didn't mean-"

His twin refused to listen. "You didn't mean to belittle me like you always do? You didn't mean to put down my only friend-who, may I remind you, is d-d-dea..." his voice faltered and he lost control of the sentence.

"I'm sorry, Japeth, I'm only trying to console you," Rhian admitted.

"Well, try harder!" Japeth snapped, his trademark temper flashing back into place. "I don't need you to console me anyway-I'm fine on my own, I always have been!"

"Japeth, just because Aric's dead doesn't mean you have to take it out on me. He was a monster and he deserved it," Rhian finally spat, angered at the jab to their family.

Before he could blink, scims slammed across the room and sharpened at his throat. Rhian froze in place, stunned speechless.

"Listen to me," Japeth growled pacing closer to his brother. "Aric was the only person who ever truly understood me. He was my only friend and the only person I felt I could trust. He meant a lot to me, more than you'll ever know. So leave me be and let me wallow in my grief and misery without shooting off your mouth for one goddamn time. I don't want to hear whatever you may think you have to say because it's likely some stab at Aric. I don't want to lose my temper and make myself even more alone, so if you could just focus on other things besides me for the next few days, that is the only thing to can do to make me feel better."

With that, he whirled and marched out, his scims following him obediently. Even Rhian wasn't stupid enough to open his mouth and go after his brother. Not while he was in a mood like this.

Rhian sighed and sank back down onto the couch, ruffling a few spare sheets of parchment haphazardly. The next few days sure would be lonely.

A few days later, Rhian still had neither heard nor seen anything from Japeth. He was beginning to get concerned, but the least he could was uphold his brother's wishes. He trusted Japeth; he would come back to him with time. That was all it took. Time and patience.

Sure enough, Japeth returned another couple of days later with a flower in hand and an apologetic look on his face.

"Hi," Rhian said dully, eyes glazed and worn over.

"I'm sorry," Japeth blurted. "I'm sorry I treated you badly; I was processing the idea of Aric and grieving and being too emotional and-"

"It's okay, I get it; you were emotionally upheaved. I would be, too, if my best friend passed," Rhian smiled softly.

The copper-haired boy nodded slowly. "Yeah, I guess you do."

Rhian got up from his seat and walked over to his brother. "I'm proud of you, brother. You're strong."

Japeth nodded, eyes on the hand on his shoulder. "Thank you," he whispered. "I'm glad you're here for me."

"Of course," his brother agreed without hesitation. "That's what a twin is for."

They both shared a small smile, and Rhian was relieved to see that Japeth's mood was improving. Hopefully the death of that cre-Aric, he reminded himself-wouldn't toll too long on Japeth. Years of bottling up his emotion heaped on top of losing his best friend made him emotionally unsteady and sensitive. He would just have to be careful.

"Shall we?" Japeth gestured back to their table crowded with parchment.

Rhian grinned and nodded. This was more typical of Japeth, always anxious to plot world domination. He hoped this whole thing would heal Japeth, maybe being in his mother's arms again would ease some of the pain that came with losing a close one.

He guided Japeth to sit down, then pulled up a copy of The Tale of Sophie and Agatha, flipping all the way back to the beginning. "If we want to take over the world, these two girls are going to be our ticket in."

His ice-eyed twin eyed the book surreptitiously. "If you're sure, brother."

Rhian looked him dead in the eye. "I am, trust me."

Wordlessly, Japeth agreed, and they went back to poring over the book, searching for a way to plot their way back into the world and bring back their mother. Well, Rhian, at least.

And as for Japeth? He had a different someone in mind. Someone who meant a whole lot more to him than blue butterflies and abandoning. Someone in sharp shades of alabaster, night and violet. Someone who would never forget him.

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