~Friends to lovers~ Spade x Reader [MO]

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I watched Modern Objects a few times and it's really great. Spade's my favorite character and I felt like doing this.

I still have to work on the other unfinished oneshots but whatever. Here we go.

You were walking down the sidewalk in the morning and you went to the small apartment. You knocked on the door and then a red object that looked like a plastic toy shovel opened the door and saw you standing in front of him. "Oh, hi. I've never seen you before." He said. "Who are you?" You were about to say you're name. "Hello, my name's O/N. I just came here." He looked surprised when he heard your name. "Oh, well my name's Spade, and I am a spade. It's nice to meet you." Spade said as he started shaking your hand. "Nice to meet you too. So, can I come inside?" You said. "Sure. Come on in." Spade led you in his apartment and you came inside.

You looked around the apartment. "Yeah, this place is kinda crummy, but that's all I can afford." You looked at him. "Well, I think this place looks nice." Spade looked surprised again. "You think so?" "Yeah. Could I look around some more?" You asked. "Yeah, sure. Follow me." He said as you start to follow him. You and Spade went upstairs to his room. "O/N, this is my room where I have an Objectica poster on my wall." You start to look at the poster on his wall, then you turned and saw the Hip Hop Diggity Do album that Spade made. "Hey Spade, what's this?" You asked with curiosity. "Oh, that's my album. I made this and my friends think it's terrible or something. Anyways, that's me wearing a yellow hat and shades, and that behind me is my sister, Bucket. She can be sweet but grumpy. She's the one who pays all the rent." "Really?" You said. "Yeah. I didn't have a job until that one day after she kicked me out. Now Map and I have a job at a place that looks like a dome." You got curious after Spade mentioned Map. You were about to ask. "Who's Map?" "Oh, Map? He's my best friend... And a prop map. Sometimes, I hate it when he's right." Spade explained to you. "Okay, would I lead you to my sister's room?" You wanted to see what it is so you said, "Yes."

You went to Bucket's room with Spade. "That's Bucket's room. This is where she exercises in the morning or the evening and other stuff that she does." Then he and you went back downstairs to the living room. "This is the couch I always sit on. It's hard and rough though. I think Bucket might get a new couch later or eventually or soon. And that over there is the kitchen where i get my favorite food, nachos. Sometimes, Map gets them for me every time I get lazy." After all the explanation of the apartment where Bucket and Spade live in, you decided to give him the nachos. "Hey Spade, may I give you a bowl of nachos since it's your favorite food?" You said as you grab the bowl. Spade gasps with excitement. "Oh my god, Yes! :D" So you poured the nachos in the bowl and gave it to him. "Thank you, O/N. Your the best person I met." Spade said with a little joy. "Thanks." You replied.

You and Spade sat on the couch, than a few hours later you though about what Spade said about Bucket kicking him out of the apartment, so you decided to ask him. "So Spade, about what you said, why did your sister kick you out of the apartment?" That made Spade have flashbacks about it. He looked at you and sighed, looking stressed. "Well, O/N, it started with an argument about rent or something like that and I called her a pathetic no-arms who couldn't achieve her dreams and a pathetic failure, so she got really mad and kicked me in the handle." You got surprised. "Really?" You asked. "Yeah. The next day when I called her that I got a job, she couldn't let me in because of what I said to her. Then after Rubber, who is my boss, blasted me with her invention, I got this vision in my head and that made me grow really big and destroy everything. When I found Bucket, I grabbed her and almost ripped her legs off, which is messed up. And then my boss blasted me again and made me smaller. Good thing I'm back to my original size." Spade's explaining made you still feel surprised. "Oh, wow. Well... that's an interesting story." Spade sighed, still looking stressed and then slowly starting to feel depressed. [A/N: That sounds like a rhyme to me] You looked at him then you saw a little bit of tears in his eyes. He sniffed and covered his face with his hand and You felt really bad for him so you went close to him and gave him a hug. Spade got surprised when you started to hug him. he looked at you and started to smile so he hugged you back.

After some hugging, you two let go of each other. "Thank you for the hug, O/N." Spade spoke softly. "Your welcome." You replied. Spade grabbed the remote then turned on the TV to watch shows on it. A few hours later, Spade starts to feel like he likes you, but like like. He leaned a little bit, getting closer without you looking. And then he gave you a kiss on the cheek. You blushed and looked at him, then you smiled. He smiles back, and then your nose touched his. Spade was surprised and blushing, but he smiled so you guys rubbed each other's 'non-existent' noses and then you hugged each other. "I love you, Spade." You said softly. "I love you too, O/N." He replied. You guys lied down on the couch and you put your head on his chest. Spade rubbed your head, and before you guys fall asleep, you decided to tell each other good night. "Good night, Spade." You said still laying on his chest. Spade chuckled and said, "Good night, O/N. Sweet dreams." Then you guys fell asleep on the couch.

The End.

Well, that was a long story. I hope you enjoy it. Okay, I'm going to sleep now.

Edit: This story is edited because I wanted to add "Non-existent" next to noses.

[Word count: 1107]

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