Ver, if I was into younger guys, I would have totally dated you, you know how to make a girl happy, Rosie said grabbing a spoon and sitting beside him happily.

You will date litreally anyone Rosie and we are getting sidetracked why are you not angry at him, Jennie asked

I mean he didn't told me but I have eyes Jen and I think I know what he is going to share if you weren't hogging my other bestie during our group meetings you would have known too, Rosie said taking another spoonful of ice-cream.

Ok, wow. Jennie said looking at Jk with angry eyes.

Woah, hold on. I didn't told both of you, Jk said holding up his hands.

Told you to tell them, Vernon said again, keeping his spoon infront of Rosie's mouth as it was the last bite.

Ok, if Jimin and I ever broke-up, Ver I am dating you. Jennie who was looking at the scene told him.

Ohh, well you two know that I'm bisexual and I already have a boyfriend right now, Vernon said.

Bisexual which means we still have chance, and bitch even marriage can't stop me from dating a man I want to date, Rosie said

True, like Rosie and I are married but I'm still dating Jimin, aren't I? Jennie asked them all.

Exactly the only thing is that I'm very much interested in Joshua and Hannie nowadays, Rosie said making everyone look at her with confused look.

What about Taehyung hyung? Vernon asked

What about him? Rosie asked them, Vernon was going to say something but Jk stopped him before things can get out of hands.

Jennie Noona, the only reason I'm ok with Lisa and Mingyu dating and the only reason why Mingyu is even dating Lisa is because I like Mina, Jk said

Ohh, you like Mina? Wow? That's incredible, you two will make such a cute couple, Jennie said. And wait Rosie your tweet about being worried for Jk was because Mina was hanging out with Jeonghan and not because Lisa and Gyu became a couple?

Ummm, Yes? I knew already, Rosie said. Now come besties lets sit down and watch some movies, can't waste the snacks just because kookie is ok, Rosie said making herself comfortable in Vernon's arm who wrapped it around her.

Clicking this picture and will show it to you boyfie when you finally introduce him to us Ver, Kookie said clicking the pic.

When will you introduce him to us? Jennie asked sitting on floor infront of them putting her head on Rosie's lap.

Soon, he will join SNU, Ver said.

They all were discussing what movies to watch when suddenly doorbell ranged making them all confused.

Yo, was Tae coming too? Rosie asked Jennie

How tf am I supposed to know? Jennie replied

I don't think so, like I know he is kook's husband but I'm pretty sure he is with Lisa rn, being a babygirl about how she didn't told him she was serious about Mingyu, Ver said making everyone laugh at the babygirl part.

Reminds me of Hoshi, I miss him. Jennie said smiling fondly at remembering an old friend.

I'll go and see who it is, Rosie said standing up.

The three were talking when Rosie came back inside with Mina beside her.

Well look who is here, Rosie said excitedly and also sorry Mina but Jennie and I can't stay because we have a hubby-wifey date.

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