sick pt 2

39 1 7

3rd POV

Today's the sleepover Kanedas been nagging about. Tetsuo smiled then quickly stopped, stearing in the mirror. Kei will probably be there and..
He knocked something random off his dresser in anger then left his bedroom, no longer thinking about he girl he hated most in Neo-Tokyo.
He grabbed his phone and called Kaneda, but before he could he got a call from Kei. He groaned.. of course.
He answered putting the phone next to his ear.
Without attempting to sound nice he started, "what"
"Yea hey, so Kanedas not feeling well so the sleep overs been canceled sorry"
What? What's wrong with him" he accidentally slipped out, sounding way more concerned then he meant to show.
"Uhhh just.. throwing up, he had a fever, he's coughing, and cold, but he's hot."
'Just' he thought, but just hummed and hung up.

He went to the fridge to find something for him to eat. "He needs soup.." he went to his cabinet but all he could find was off brand tomato soup he bought one time while super high. He put it in a bowl and put a lid on it the left he house. He put he soup in the back and hopped on his bike.
He road all the way to kanedas house before ultimately deciding that it was too embarrassing. What wild he say to Kei? What if he was told to leave?
But before he knew it he was at the door and knocking. It took a minute for someone to come to the door and it was Kaneda.
"Tetsuo...?" His eyes were barley open ad he looked like he was having roubles standing, his eyes and nose were super red, but the most noticeable thing to Tetsuo was, Kaneda was wearing one of his shirts. He blushed to him self.
"Didn't... Didn't Kei tell you.." he looked so tired, and sounded like it too, "the sleep over.. it's cancl-" he fell over, passing out.
Tetsuo grabbed him and carried him to his bed. He set the soup on the dresser beside him then tucked him in.
"Did Kei leave you here alone?"
" doesnt deserve me" he says drowsily seeming barley awake.
Tetsuo cursed under his breath then looked up at Kaneda, his eyes red and nose dribbling. He thought for a second then he stood up. "Alright then, I guess that means I have to take care of you."
He fixed the sheets and blankets on Kanedas bed with difficulty trying not to disturb him. He put a trash can by Kaneda in case he threw up and cleaned his face. Then went to go heat up the soup.
He grabbed the soup ad waked to the kitchen, the house was surprising clean, probably because Kei kept it nice.
He was struck with the anger at the thought of her. He hated her. Why did she get Kaneda ?? He was his long time best friend! Not her. Tetsuo knew him way longer and way better than she did.. but then again ever sence he met her.. no before then, they'd grown so far apart. He didn't know him anymore.
He threw the soup in the microwave, splashing the soup it all over it. "I'll clean it up later" he mumbled to himself.
After the microwaved beeped to be done he grabbed it and a spoon and walked to the room. He looked at Kaneda and saw him laying there asleep. He walked to the bed and sat down beside him, setting the warm soup right back where he had taken it from. Kaneda was passed out he wasn't going to eat right now.
He looked around for something to pass the time. Then he spotted Kanedas game set. "I'll see what you have" he said to the asleep boy.

Kaneda POV

I open my eyes slowly. My eyes burn and my stomach struck with pain of hunger. I try to get up but my muscles were so sore. As I fall back to by bed I noticed someone playing Mario Kart on my new concle. He turns around.
"Hey uhh I brought some soup. I know Kei said not to come but- anyways.. she wasn't here when I got here and so I just decided to stay"
"Howd you get in?" My voice is horse and its hard to get the words out.
"You let me in" he's criss cross with his back twisted to face me with his head in his arms. I quickly found myself blushing at the boy ive loved forever. I scoot over holding the blanket up.
"Come on"
"Aren't you afraid your contagious?" He says.
"Do you care ?" My arm was getting tired. He sighed, thinking for a minute.
"Nope I have to take care of you" he stands up and grabs a bowel and was gone.
"Stupid.." I shouldn't have done that he probably thinks I'm stupid now.

Soon he walks back in and puts the bowel down. It was soup.
"God damn this is actually the 3rd time I've microwaved this shit" he says, I chuckled.
"I hope it's still good" he says under his breath. Suddenly I got an idea.
I open my mouth. He looks surprised.
"Er- y-you want me to feed you?" I nodded my head, mouth still open. He grabs the spoon, and scoops up the soup,then brought the spoon to my mouth.
This continus for the whole bowel of soup. The soup is so fucking disgusting, it tastes like stale, expired tomato soup.
He set the empty bowel down, and looks me in the eye, and I didn't look away, I look in his eyes as well creating eye contact. I want to lean in to kiss him. My stomach starts to burn, probably from the soup, but also mixed with the awful feeling of butterflies. And I noticed him getting closer. Before I knew it our lips were pressed together.
"Shit..." I whisper under my breath as he pulls away.
"I thought you were afraid of getting sick?" I say throwing my hands up and changing to criss cross position in my bed.
"I never fuc- no.." he says. He looks panicked.
"Are you alright" I put my hand on his head, then circled his face to make him look me.
"No.. Fuck! I just kissed you" he said moving his head away from my hand.
"W-what no no me and Kei no were not a thing, promise"
"Yea hah.. umm I couldn't date her cuz I.. liked someone else"
"Yea" I smiled, grabbing his his hands and pulling him up on the bed. "She lives here cuz she doesn't have a place to stay and it's free cleaning for me"
I wrap him up and fall over with him in my arms.
"OK now your really gunna get me sick" he says, pushing me off him. I cough in his face.
"Ewww. That's it I'm leaving"
"Noooo" I grab on to his legs and chuckle. "You still have to take care of mee"
"Fine, fine"

1189 words

Hey! Sorry it's been a while but I finally am getting another chapter published. I feel like I'm not good at writing the sick ones but.. Idk it's kinda sweet I might try to start publishing more again. I have like so many drafts..anyways thank you please_unalive_me for the suggestion!!

Kaneda x Tetsuo ONESHOTS (Akira Fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat