Park Date

60 2 3

3rd POV 

As they walked in, the smaller male counted how many people were there. His hand intertwined with his boyfriend's. Loosing count, he gripped a bit tighter, which caused the older boy to look at him. 
"You ok?"
"Yea just nervous" Tetsuo tried to laugh it off, but Kaneda could see through the smile. 
"No need to be scared, It's going to be ok" 
"I know" he smiled again, but the sweat forming on his face and forehead gave him away. 
Kaneda smiles a crooked half smile, a little anxious himself. This was their first date as boyfriends.. well, outed boyfriends. 

They begin their walk to a field, one they knew better than anyone else. They came to the park a lot as kids, it was their hide away from humanity. They would go and talk. Tetsuo remembered it and cherished it more than any other memory he had. They stopped going as they got older and started to hang out with the gang more, Tetsuo missed it a lot. Kaneda did too. He gazed at the beauty upon arrival.
He looked over at his boyfriend. Tetsuo felt heavy. All the people glaring at him with disgust and disapproval. He got the look everywhere all the time, but still wasn't used to the feeling. The feeling of guilt, for doing nothing. He let go of the older boy's hand and laid down. 
Kaneda followed.
They laid in the overgrown grass, Kaneda examined the anxious boy. 
He moved his hand behind his ear, and leaned in to kiss him.  
Kaneda began to kiss more aggressively, holding the back of Tetuso's head, gripping a large handful of hair. He spun them over and got on top of the smaller boy. 
Tetsuo wanted to kiss back, but he could feel everyone's gaze on him. Burning into the back of his head. 
He pulled back, Kaneda did too. Kaneda smiled, eyes full of love. He leaned back in, but Tetsuo didn't kiss back. 
"Not here"
"We're not going to have sex ?"
"I know.." 
Kaneda got off the smaller male and sadly sat up, staring at him. 
Tetsuo sat up as well, but hid his face. 
Kaneda forced a smile, "wanna.. go get some ice cream?" 
"Sure" Tetsuo's answer was half-assed and insecure. 

They walked to an ice cream truck, Tetsuo hid his hands in his pocket, looking down and avoiding eye contact. He bit his lip. The silence was deafening. 
"What do you want, honey?" 
Tetsuo could feel himself turn pink. Why did he suddenly care so much? Why was he letting this affect this date so much? Affect him so much? 
"Oh! Uhh, strawberry and vanilla?" 
"OK! So a strawberry and vanilla on a cone and a double chocolate on a cone, oh wait add a scoop of mint chocolate chip" He licked his lips. 
"Ok, that'll be $6.08" 
"Coming right up!" He started rummaging around in his pockets. He pulled out a crumpled ten and six ones. 

They started the walk back to the main park, Kaneda's pinkey finger gripped onto Tetsuo's unwilling hand. Kaneda was down to his second scoop, and Tetsuo had barely touched his. 
"Not good?"
"Huh? Oh. No it is," He took a lick of the almost completely melted dessert. 
Kaneda leaned in and took a bite. "You're right! Why aren't you eatin' it?" 
Tetsuo was filled with guilt and shame. His stomach churned and couldn't digest anything, especially nothing like ice cream. 
"I am" Tetsuo lied poorly. 
"Are you ok?" Kaneda changed the subject. 
"You sure?" 

Kaneda bit his lip. He couldn't stop the thoughts, and he hated himself for it, but there was plenty reason to think them. To believe them. Tears threatened his eyes, but he couldn't cry. 

Tetsuo began to laugh. 
"What's so funny?" 
Tetsuo used his finger to wipe some ice cream off of the older boy's nose with a small chuckle. 
He put the ice cream in his mouth and smiled at Kaneda. 
Kaneda smiled back, one with no meaning. An empty smile.
They passed a trash can and they both silently threw away their unfinished cone. 

It was getting late. They walked over to the swings.
Tetsuo sat down, his hands in his lap, using his legs to slightly push him.
Kaneda followed, putting his hands on the cold chain, following the pushing method. 

"Do you want to break up with me?"
"Wh- n-n-no!"
"You've been so distant from me the whole day.. It's like you don't even want to be around me"
Tetsuo started at the older boy. Kaneda looked away. Tetsuo felt his heart drop. He'd been so worried about everyone else he hadn't thought about what Kaneda was feeling.
"No, I'm sorry.. I was just in a bad thinking space." 
"Are you embarrassed of me?" He could hear his voice break, and hoped Tetsuo didn't notice, even though he knew he did. 
"What? No! Where on Earth did you get that idea?" Tetsuo wasn't used to this side of Kaneda. He was always so confident and proud. He didn't know what to do. Seeing Kaneda so insecure made him feel awful, and knowing it was his fault made him feel even worse. Tetsuo grabbed Kaneda's face and made him face him. He was crying.
Tetsuo leaned in and kissed Kaneda softly. Then once more on the corner of his lips.
"Hey.. I'm really sorry, I wasn't thinking properly today, it was just hard, I wasn't used to being able to love you loudly. I love you and I love being with you" 
Kaneda gives a half smile and wipes his face. He looks up. "Are you sure?" 
He sounded like he wanted to say more, but left it at that. 
"Yes, I promise you"
Tetsuo grabs behind his ears and pulls him into a long deep kiss. Kaneda kisses back. 

967 words

I'm sorry this is kinda angst but I hope you liked it. I feel like it was kinda rushed. I've been trying to think about it for a while and I'm so sorry it took so long to come out. I've had a super stressful week and school is starting in like 2 days. I'm sorry if chapters wont come out as frequently as they were, I'm probably going to be busy but I'd still love to take requests if you have anymore! I love doing them so much!!!

Also a special thank you to please_unalive_me for the suggestion!

Kaneda x Tetsuo ONESHOTS (Akira Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang