Another angst >:)

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3rd POV

Tetsuo stood in the bathroom. His wrist bleeding so bad, he couldn't stop the blood. He started to panic as he fumbled for another towel. The blood was dripping through the towel onto the white counter. His eyes filled to the brim with warm tears, every blink forced them to fall. He grabbed another towel and folded it over the other towels. He scrambled around for a bandage and some capsules. Suddenly he heard a knock on the door. "You almost done?" His best friend, asked. "Gimme a second will ya," he replied with an angry tone, panic and anxiety filling him even more. He could hear his own racing heartbeat. He finally found the bandage, and removed the towel, starting to wrap the wound. Blood bled through but not dripping. He bundled up the towels and stuffed them in a hidden corner, and popped a couple capsules in his mouth, pulling his hoodie sleeves to cover the dampening, red bandage. He cleaned everything up as fast as he could, then flushed the toilet and opened the door. "Took ya long enough, I'm sure everyone else already left" Kaneda said, a joking voice on. Tetsuo rolled his eyes.
They walked to their bikes in silence.

"Hey guys! Jeez took y'all long enough" Kai says, shooting up from his bike. "Hope y'all weren't fucking" Yama says, with a chuckle at his own joke. Tetsuo grew bright pink. "You wish" Kaneda says "so you would have more time to blow Kai". "Whatever! Shut the fuck up Kaneda" he replies, getting into his bike, and placing the goggles onto his face. everyone one else did the same.

"The clowns out tonight?" Kaneda asked, starting up his engine. "Uhhh no, might as well just head to Harukiya, and maybe we can pick a fight with some losers" Kai replied. "Sounds solid to me" Yama replies, though everyone knew he was just wanting to go bang some random girls, as he always did when they went. Without even waiting for Tetsuo to reply they all started to head that way, so silently he followed.
Once they arrived everyone kinda separated. Tetsuo went to play some game, but was shortly interrupted by Kaori. They moved their way to a couch and began talking. Yamagata found some half naked lady, they both were thinking the same thing, and started making out, knowing damn well they were going to go father. Kai and Kaneda sat down and grabbed some capsules and began to talk.
"So.. whatcha wanten' to do tonight?" Kai starts.
"Uhh.. I don't know anything?" Kaneda replies, sounding like he's asking.
Kai snickers, "same, everything's so boring"
"Wanna go for a ride?"
"Yea sure"
They both got up, which caught the attention of Tetsuo. He threw Kaori off him and walked up the the two males. "Where are you guys goin?"
"It's boring as shit here right now so we're gunna bounce, wanna come with?" Kaneda says, looking up at the ceiling.
They all started walking out to their bikes. Kai and Kaneda were screaming about sex and laughing at their own jokes while Tetsuo followed behind silent as always, smiling slightly at a couple. Kaneda leaned on his bike, pulling out a cigarette. Kai did the same, minus the cigarette, he could just share with Kaneda. Tetsuo also joined them leaning on the bike and smoking the same cigarette. Kai looked up, "THEY HAVE A SPECIAL BEER TONIGHT??!" He said getting excited, dropping the cigarette on the ground. Kaneda grunted in disappointment as he watched the flame go out. "I GOTTA TRY 'EM ALL!! SORRY!!" he yells, running back inside.
"Guess it's just us" Kaneda says, looking at Tetsuo. Tetsuo returned the gaze to his life long best best friend. "Guess so" he says, resisting the urge to smile. "Whatcha wanna do?" Kaneda asks. "I don't care" Tetsuo replies back, looking down at the sidewalk in front of his shoes. "K then" Kaneda thinks I for a second, "Guess we'll just ride around for now then".
They both hopped on their bikes, returning their goggles to their faces. Kaneda started his engine, loudly, Tetsuo tried to do the same, but failed at the loud part. "Are ya ready?" Kaneda shouts. "Mhm yea" Tetsuo screams back, before Kaneda zooms off, Tetsuo following trying his best to match speed.

Kaneda x Tetsuo ONESHOTS (Akira Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora