Date Night

109 1 3

Tetsuo POV

I heard a ring in the doorbell. I could feel red rise to my face as I checked my appearance in the mirror. I was dressed nice.. well nicer than usual. I felt over dressed yet under dressed.
I walked from my bedroom and through the kitchen and living room to the front door.
I opened it to the surprise of a bouquet of flowers and my smiling boyfriend. I felt my face grow even more red.
"Wh-?" Kaneda came over and kissed me on the cheek.
"Ready to go, babe?" He asked handing the flowers to me.
He was also dressed nice. I smile at him with a small nod.
It was our first date, I was so excited and happy. He grabbed my hand.
We went inside and placed the flowers on the counter then headier outside. I locked the door, then regribbed his hand.

We stared heading to his bike, walking alone the side walk.
"You look nice tonight" he says, looking me up and down.
"Shut up" I with a fake pout plastered on my face, rolling my eyes to look away from him.
He chuckled, using his pointer finger under my chin to force my face to his so he could kiss me.

We reached his bike and he got on, I got on after him. He started the bike and I grabbed his waist. I closed my eyes and melted into his back as he zoomed off.

He stopped next to a nice looking restaurant. He looked back at me and smiled. I tried to return the gesture but I was confused.
He got off the bike, and held his hand out.
"I can get out on my own you know" I say, grabbing his hand anyway.
"Yea, yea", he looked at me smug.
"Where are we going?" I asked, trying to get the smug look off his face, which I failed at, and he looked up at the nicest diner in all of Neo-Tokyo.
"What?? Your joking?" I say, staring up at the expensive building.
"Nope, cost a fortune, so enjoy, selfish," he laughed and ruffled my hair.
"Shut up, you didn't have to" I reply, eyes no longer glued to the restaurant, but now on Kaneda.
"Where in hell did you get the money to do this?"
He smiled and kissed me. "My little secret" he grabbed my hand and we began to walk in.

"Name?" A huge guy asked.
"Uhh.. Albert?" He says, sounding confused and smiling big, sweat falling down the side of his face.
Kaneda held up an either fake ID or a stolen one.
"Ok your free to go," the man says.
"A-thank you" Kaneda replies with with a bow.
I laughed at his stupidity.
"What the hell Kaneda" I whisper.
"Shh.. it's ok, he's a friend" he says, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "Besides he owes me one" he finishes.
"Uh huh sure" I say, taking in his warmth.
"This way to your seats." A tall, thin man says, walking us to a table for two. "I'll be your waiter, Dezme. Can I start you out with anything?" He asks.
His voice wad kinda getting to me, it was obvious he wasn't born Japanese.
"Uhh yea 2 beers, like just whatever you got.. and some..." he looked at me.
"What do you want for an appetizer babe?" He asked.
"Uhh I don't care" I say.
"Yea just some... of everything" he smiled.
I shook my head.
"Ok.. it'll be right out" Dezme says, walking away.
"So I suppose your friend is paying tonight as well?" I ask.
"Nope! Been working real hard for this ya know".
I didn't doubt it, he barley had time  to hang out with the rest of the group, and always stayed late after going to the bar.
"Sure you have" I reply, holding my cheek to my hand, to gaze at him.

Dezme brought us our drinks and appetizers, while me and Kaneda talked about dumb things, with the occasional laughing to loud, or snide remarks.
"Whatcha gunna get?" He asked.
I wasn't really that hungry after the appetizers.
"Uhh.. I guess just a small plate of pasta, how about you?" I say, taking another sip of the beer.
"A small plate of pasta? From the worlds best restaurant. Ok? I'm going to get steak" he says, licking his lips.
"Ok fatty," I laugh, he gasped dramatically. I chuckled, rolling my eyes.
Shortly after Dezme brought us our food, and Kaneda began to chow down, getting it everywhere.
"You act like your starving" I say, taking a slow bite of the surprising not good spaghetti.
"It's so good, do you not like it?" His expression was sad, and I felt bad.
"N-no I do, like I said I'm just not hungry" I reply.
"That's why you don't eat all the appetizers" he replies, continually eating his steak and ribs.
"That's why you don't order them all." I say, snidely with another dreadful bite.
"Oh shut up, you know you love me" my face began to turn pink.
"S-Shut up,"
He laughed.
After we were done, Dezme came back.
"Dessert?" He asks.
"Yes, uhh.. what do you guys have?" Kaneda said with a huge smile. Dezme sighed. He started naming off the desserts.
Kaneda looked and me.
"Ice cream?" I asked.
"Of course" Dezme said writing it down, not bothering to ask the flavor.
"Same" Kaneda said.
Dezme nodded before walking off.
Kaneda came in close. His breath reeked off alcohol. He had more than I did and I had 3 bottles.
"I don't like that guy" he whispers loudly.
I chuckled. "Shh.. I know he's so annoying" I reply.
He laughed.
Dezme walked back with 2 small bowels of vanilla ice cream. "Enjoy" he says, walking off.
Kaneda takes a bite and scrunches his face.
"Don't like it?" I ask.
He shakes his head. "Try it."
He puts the spoon close to my mouth.
I open my mouth, allowing him to put the ice cream in, which he was right. It was ass. He laughs as I scrunch my face too.
Dezme came by,
"ready to go?" He asks,
"yes check please!" Kaneda says, smiling and holding up his pointer finger. Dezme whispers something under his breath and hands us the check.
Kaneda filled it out. "121,430 yen??" He says, pulling out a huge wad of cash. He smiles awkwardly. "How much ya have?" He asks.
I roll my eyes. "How much do you have?" I pull out a spear 12,000 yen I had brought.
"120,000". "I give him the difference and we get up to leave.
"Hey hey wait d'ya have a pen?" He asks.
"Why?" I ask.
"For this, I gotta sign".
I hand him the pen, and where you have to sign, in big messy letters he wrote. "Fuck you Dezme" he chuckles slightly and pulls me out the door.

We walked back to his bike, Kaneda laughing to loud at his own joke back in there.
"So.. we both can't drive so, wanna go walk around?"
"Sure!" I say, probably to excited.

We both started walking, our hands intertwined. Kaneda was talking about some plan he was planning to do, but I was only half listening, I couldn't stop staring at him. The moon glimmered onto his already beautiful facial features even more beautifully.
We walked all the way up to the explosion sight. I loved it up there because the stars were only visible there. All the lights from Neo-Tokyo weren't blinding there.
Me and Kaneda sat down. I looked up at the sky. Even though we came here all time, I loved it. It still took my breath away. Kaneda laid down on my lap. I looked down at him, and he was already staring at me.
"What are you staring at, you creep?"
He moved his hands up and grabbed my head, pulling me down for a kiss. I smiled at him.
"I love you, Tetsuo"

"I love you too"

We got down to his bike. By now I was really tired, and practically falling asleep walking. Once we got back to Kaneda's bike he stopped, and stared at me. I was barley able to keep my eyes open.
"You wanna come over, love?" He asked.
I nodded, half awake.
He smiled and kissed my forehead.
He got onto the bike, I got on after him. I gripped him tight, struggling to stay awake.

We reached his house sooner than I expected. I groggily walked into his house after him. "Wanna go to bed?" Kaneda asked. I didn't even need to answer. We walked to his bed room, but I felt uncomfortable just laying on his bed so I stander by the door awkwardly waiting for him to lay down first.
"I'm going to go shower" he said.
I sighed.
Kaneda came close to me and wrapped his arms around the back of my head, and pulled me down to his bed.
"What? Are you tired, baby"
"No, shut up! Go shower"
He wrapped his arms around me, rolling all around me, kissing me up and down my head to my chest and tickling me.
"Wanna go to sleep? Huh?" He said, talking like I was a baby.
"No!! Stop" I said in between laughs.
"You don't want me to take a shower? You want me to come lay with you" he says, his words teasing me.
"Kaneda stopp!" I yell pushing him off me.
He got up and turned it the lights with a laugh, then came and wrapped me in his arms. I snuggled close into his chest, and closed my eyes.
"Goodnight, I love you" Kaneda said to me.
"I love you too"
Then quickly I fell asleep.

1638 words

Sorry if this is super weird or cringy it's like the first fluff I've written Lmfao.

Anyways I hoped you enjoyed and if you have any requests or suggestions please let me know

Also thank you for the request @please_unalive_me
And thank you for reading and starting all of my works it really means a lot

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